Im 14 years old now. From the time I was 12 I had an intreast in martial arts . These people ended up coming to my school and gave a peformence. I thought it was the most incredible thing ever they were doing flips all types of crazy throws and kicks. I dont my mom to sign me up asap. She did when I join we had to say in horse stances for hours practice impraticle tecniques. When he gave demostrations to the untrained eye it looks amazing but your opponent is letting you do all of those things you really arent puting in much work. I really dont know how to describe it but ive been in martial arts for 3 years and never learned a thing. I did research and my dojo fit the exact description of an mcdojo. The grandmaster claimed he had invented the worlds greatest martial arts… Well I decided to leave it and I havent done any physical exersizes or anything physical for like 3 motnhs. I tried running yesterday and i was out of breath coughing and weezing. Well i signed up for a new legit dojo today. I throughly researched it i decided to join a boxing gym this time around. Well my mom while getting me signed up she was telling the instuctors all types of things about me and my martial arts training. My mom thinks im a good martial artist but, im not every thing and every peformence i have every done was choragraphed. I have never spared while in that mcdojo all we did was katas and practice tecniques to get other members to join. Well when she was bragging about me now the coaches are going to expect something great out of me and im terribly out of shape what should i do ?
What are some exersizes that in four days (i start wensday) can get me in greater shape