Tomiki Aikido

Discussion thread for Tomiki Aikido. If you would like to add a comment, click the Post Reply button.

Okay, I just started the Tomiki Aikido entry at

I used primarily, my brain, and wikipedia.

Unfortunately I had to copy and paste the competition info from wikipedia, as I couldn’t find as much detail elsewhere.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

if you copy and pasted from wikipedia at least rephrase as much as you can so we don’t get a google penalty.

edit: but cite it as a source.

more info here:

Worth reading:

Ask me any questions you would like. I have the sports book written by the heads of the Japan Aikido Association (Shodokan aka Tomiki in the states) and trained in it for over a year, competing twice.

then you would be a good one for editing the page. Since you have over 100 posts you have the ability to edit .org articles.

Bugger. I will try to get to it tonight.

Ruh Roh

In order to accept POST request originating from this domain, the admin must add this domain to the whitelist.

hmmm, that’s odd. It let’s you log in though right?

It let me login from the dot net address and that appears from the dot org.

investigating now…you’re the second person to report this issue…do you use IE or Firefox?

This was done in IE.

ok, there’s apparantly a work around in IE…go to your Trusted Sites option and include in there. I’m working on a more permanent fix, just need a bit of support from the product vendor.