Today is a sad day, as we look at the karate world. Many many schools do not teach real karate, there are a lot of bullshido and mc dojo claiming karate. I will try here to clear up things and make karate a very simple thing to understand. First of all, karate is not a sport. It is a method of unarmed killing. It is designed to alllow you to kill people with maximum efficiency. Whether they have weapons, or not, whatever their numbers or attributes are. Karate is not that point fighting crap you can see in schools and competitions today. That shit has nothing to do with karate. On the other hand, you have the so called traditionnal schools that do not compete not spar with that point sparring crap. Thats a good thing, the problem is… they dont spar at all, and they do not work on proper technique nor on conditioning of the body and the mind. So, as a real karateka, i’m realy fed up and angry with these crapy karate practicioners. It is a shame and karate should not be ok with that. It is our responsability us real karatekas to punish those fake ones. Karate is a very special thing, and while it’s a little out of time, as we arent in a daily basis war like it was in the old times, we real practicionners dont care and keep practicing the art of war. Karate is a DO, a way of life and… a way of DEATH.
OK, how about you put some video of good training or sparring? Something concrete to discuss would be awesome.
As for “art of war,” you do realize that karate really has no claim to being used as a primary art in any war or major battle, ever? It’s a gendai budo, meaning a martial way, as opposed to a bujutsu, which would have legitimate claim to being an art of war.
Plus, where do you train this incredible art of killing maximum-efficiency deadliness?
How would you go about punishing the fake ones?
Also, Please define the ‘old times’. When exactly were these times in which we were in a daily bases war?
As 1point2 mentioned, please provide some video of your training methods with some real sparring.
TODAY?! Dude, do you know how old this website is? Then think about how long this crap had to be going on BEFORE a need for this website was birthed. TODAY?!?!?
[quote=karate do;2199859]I will try here to clear up things and make karate a very simple thing to understand. [/quote] Oh no, please don’t please don’t please don’t
AWWWW CRAP he did it…just HAD to go there.
I’ll tell this to you as I’m one of the nicer guys: WE KNOW ALREADY!! Nothing you’ve posted here is news to us. I’m personally glad you agree see what we see, but don’t think that you’ve made an original though-provoking post here.
Please, for your sake and ours, lurk more and post less. Thank you
BTW, welcome to Bullshido. Post less and read more.
Who says that Karate is a killing art? Funakoshi?
Well, i know you know bullshido is bad, and that many karate dojos are bullshido. The main breakthrough is the the fact i admit the real goal of karate, which is killing people. It’s not news that there are good karate schools nd bad ones. The news is if the school is not focused on killing, it is not real karate. Maybe some good kickboxing mixed with katas, but not karate. Of course i’m gonna be forced to stay discreet on where i train because such karate cannot be advertised on public place. (i wouldnt tell you here where to buy guns neither as it is illegal in many countries)
Of course, there are no public video avilable, for the same reasons. We do train full contact like in kyokushin, and some sparring with boxing gloves to focus on head. We allow throws and ground work. As well as a lot of DIM MAK…
Can I feed and keep this troll?
Who is this guy called Mak? And why does everybody call him dim? Is he retarded?
Actually it is the chinese for KYUSHO, the art of vital and death points.
Can someone explain why suddenly killing another person is totally okay and sought after when talking about martial arts but nothing else? Honestly, I’m pretty war veterans would get less slack then these “[insert MA here] is for killing” guys. What the fuck?
[quote=Squerlli;2199948]Can someone explain why suddenly killing another person is totally okay and sought after when talking about martial arts but nothing else? Honestly, I’m pretty war veterans would get less slack then these “[insert MA here] is for killing” guys. What the fuck?[/quote] No, killing a man is not OK at all. But in karate and in the army, it is just a part of the job. Even if it is a dirty job, someone has to do it.
You sure? Trolls poop a lot.
Woah man your are both super and awesome! Please kind sir, show us where in history karate-do was created for killing people?
I mean, the last thing I knew was that the armies of ancient Japan and China were trained with weapons for killing people. The best I can paraphrase, is karate-do never had killing people as an end goal, but shit you must have the secret history book. Do tell.
Indeed, there is a secret history book. Like in many things in life, there is the official part and the secret part. In fact, the secret part in karate is not that secret. It might look secret now, because of the growing bullshido and mc dojo. But trust me, back in the days many practicionners did know what karate was designed for. And when you’d get some dans you’d be taught VERY dirty tecniques if you had the right teacher.
I don’t use my lawn much, I already let my dog crap all over it and I never pick it up, any way, this will be an outside troll!
haha zero to trollshido in 13 posts, good job karate-do!!!
Are you going to quit trolling or get banned now?
[quote=Crushing Step;2200005]haha zero to trollshido in 13 posts, good job karate-do!!!
Are you going to quit trolling or get banned now?[/quote]
But I want to keep him!!!
Oh he’s entertaining for sure… He’s this week’s Black Shinobi!
I kinda wanted to keep the Kungfu is stylish and gay guy but he was not safe to keep around children, so I had Omega put him down.