I feel with many arts there are great practioners, it is impossible to draw a conclusion when fighting someone who claims to be a practioner of a particular art and in defeating them say the art is no good. If someone has a great teacher that knows what they are talking about and can explain in detail a reasoning for every move and position and makes absolute sense and can prove it then you are really on your way. I have done much research both by reading and visiting schools and about 98% unfortunately make huge claims to teach you to be the best or have the best self defense to get your money then leave you disappointed… or worse some people think they are learning great stuff then realize years down the line it does not work worth a crap.
How do we know where is right through trial and error through seeing a teacher teach his students abd finding out how good the students really are since the student is the direct refflection of his teacher. It took me a long time to find the right school and yes it happens to be 7 star praying mantis. As Bruce Lee once put it in his philosophy in Enter The Dragon when the time comes looking at his fist I will not hit it will hit all by itself!! Meaning through vigorous and proper training God has given us all a gift and if we train ourselves thoroughly constantly we allow the God like part of ourselves to truly be seen in protecting ourselves and as a way of life. We are only as good as we make ourselves to be and as good as our teachers teach us to be. Teachers the right ones guide us to the path it is up to us to take it and it will show in our training so forget styles forms for a moment and just realize it is the man or woman that gives everything that sacrifices the most to get there that will increase there chances tremendously as being the last one standing if and when the time comes to defend ourselves. Talk is cheap it is what we do every day that makes us what we are and will be. So I am happy you love Praying Mantis and for whoever true loves the art they study go for it.
In closing here is my favorite quote from Morgan Freeman Million Dollar Baby “It’s the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody see’s but you”
On this site many people will guide you the wrong way cause of there selfish ways and need to feel they are #1 but just remember what makes you number one is you no one else can do it or stop you but yourself. So lets all get on with the journey and enjoy it cause life is short so enjoy this beautiful art known as Martial arts a way of life for some of us. Dragon