Wow kickcatcher, it seems odd you’re still gunning all these sorts of things as hard as you ever did…doesn’t it get boring? What are you training in at the moment?
Time to take a good look at how pathetic some people are on here
They are laughing their tits off at you on MMATV. I think you need to know that everyone except the nerds on here thinks this is gay as fuck. And “nerds” is the best word for it because this is the nerdiest MA forum on the internet. Even fantasy world TMA fuckwits have more credibility than tards like this:
Hilarious. How does it feel to be a laughing stock?
Oh, and I expect this to be deleted by the cowards who want to hide the fact that this place is a joke.
Try not being cowards and face up to your nerdiness. Act like nerds and you will be called on it.
Fucking Bullshitdo Nerds.
trollshido plz
where’s RubberDuck when we need him?
lol @ you requesting this to be put in the Trollshido section. Fucking coward. You are ok running other forums/people/orgs down but when someone points out the nerdy gayness of your whole “mission” (snigger) you delete or move to the troll section.
Listen Nerds. You are no better, no cooler, no more enlighetned than the idiots like Ashida Kim that you claim to “pwn”. This place and the entire idea behind is the hight of geekiness.
Nerd? Well I have read all of Huxley and Native Son by Richard Wright and so forth, and I do like a decent red wine and I drive a prius and a volvo. And I wear glasses.
And a fucking 4wd 1987 crew cab Ford 150 with a NRA sticker next to Who Would Jesus Torture?, so fuck you and come to a throwdown, or are you a coward?
Thank you so much for opening my eyes paratrooper! All it took was one terrible thread written by a bunch of anonymos nobodies about absolutely nothing important to change my mind about this site.
You sir are a saint! If only we had more high school dropouts like you to show us the errors of our way! While you are at it, I asked for a 16 piece chicken mcnugget not an 8, could you fix that for me real quick?
Yes… it’s a well-known fact that EVERYONE who posts on MMATV is an expert mixed martial artist and the opinion of 4 people on that website outweighs the opinion of thousands on here.
It did bear repeating, though, so… good job, little feller. Have a cookie.
I’m really certain that it isn’t populated by 90% TUF nerds and a few people who actually know what they’re talking about.
It’s also a well-known fact that if you call yourself something like, oh, say, “Paratrooper” before you’ve even gone in and started training (if indeed you’ve actually got that far), makes you an attention-seeking cock.
Jump out of something that flies (parachute optional), get pics, and then maybe you’ll deserve the username you’ve seen fit to bestow upon yourself. Arrogant cock.
The pont is that only on this place does driving hundreds of miles to fight a troll pass as “cool”. Everywhere else, and I mean EVERYWHER, finds it so fucking gay and pathetic it’s hilarious.
You crave the bendy, flexy camel-toe pics?
I’ll get my web-cam and leotard…
We’re all going to hell. I mean Trollshido!
Sure, because real martial artists would have thought it was cool. If you’d have told Fedor that story he would have thought it was cool like you guys do to wouldn’t he? Fuck off you moron, hardly anyone outside of this nerd nest would think that was cool.
Well, you know I have to come along.
Sure, because real martial artists would have thought it was cool. If you’d have told Fedor that story he would have thought it was cool like you guys do to wouldn’t he? Fuck off you moron, hardly anyone outside of this nerd nest would think that was cool.
Dude… there’s two thread ridiculing the guy in here… on Bullshido…
Wait, did you believe the guy who said “oh he’s regular poster on Bullshido”?
How cute.
And like I give a shit what Fedor thinks.
Bas. Always Bas.
Hims is so cute when hims mad. Does hims need a hug?
Lol @ your nerdy “throwdowns”. It’s about as impressive as saying “either fight me on a PVP server on World of Warcraft or shut the fuck up noob”. It’s equally as geeky.
Jesus H Fuck, I hit the link and it has nothing to do with Bullshido except for one tiny comment - in four pages, I’ve been trolled
That guy is typical of this place. You are all like him with your “come meet me and fight me” gayness you fucking geek. I even saw a vid where some lezbos and an old guy were fighting in a car park over internet banter. You are so fucking ridiculous and the best part is that you really don’t SEE IT.
You are like the guys who think getting to level 70 with their world of warcraft character is “cool”. You are fucking nerds mate. There is no ther word for it. NERD!