Throwdown Fist Qualification

I’m gald the Throwdown Fists are coming back. And I think the recently posted information on Throwdowns lays them out quite nicely.

For the sake of clarity, I do have a couple of questions about the rules, especially about the equipment portion:

Each person will wear at most:

*Near-Full face headgear
*Shin guards
*forearm/elbow guards
*NHB style gloves (with no crossbar in palm)

I’m just a little confused at the “Each person will wear at most”.

If you wear knee pads, a headgear with a face cage, or boxing gloves, it doesn’t count? What about a cup?

And if we are going to phyiscal tapout or verbal tapout, we might want to consider requiring someone to act as a referee.

I also don’t have a problem with changing the “rules” to guidelines and have someone/group designated to award fists on a case by case basis.

Hmm, good question. Will revise shortly. The intent is to avoid having people show up in Redman suits or full plate armor, and expecting to get a fist award.

kneepads are common in MMA competitions, so they should be on the list at least

I really think the way to go is case by case evaluation, either by the mods, BBC, or the Throwdown rep.

I just think there’s too many variables to define in words what is “fist worthy” or not. It’s like art or beauty, you know it when you see it.

The problem is that the drama whores will scream bloody murder if it’s not set in stone why they can’t have a fist.

Which is a problem in and of itself. It’s pretty obvious at this point that Throwdowns are good fun and are a great learning experience, but you still have the problem of people showing up to Throwdowns, sucking ass, then claiming some kind of authority (aka drama whores). The fist is cool (wouldn’t mind to EARN one myself, but it’s looking like I might not get the chance in the near future), but maybe there should be a disclaimer somewhere that having a Fist doesn’t make you a good fighter. I realize this should be obvious . . .

Of course, if you guys want to just go on a case-by-case basis so you don’t have to worry about that bullshit, I’m down with that. I don’t always agree with how you run the site, but I am pretty sure the staff knows what Throwing Down looks like.

Yeah. Ultimately everything is subject to staff approval anyway.

Tell them to talk to me I’ll give them a fist.

I want a fist!!!

Talk to omega


Face cage headgears are dumb anyway. If you like getting hit in the face with a big sheet of plexiglass more then you like getting hit with a fist, fine, I guess it’s a coke-pepsi thing.

I think the cup is pretty much going to happen no matter what, and who’s gonna check anyway? Besides, it keeps loose beef of your chin in the grapple. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do think it should be stated that a third member or members ref the match - that has been the situation thusfar with most of the heavy TD sparring but only because of common sense, and that Knightmare is out there, and it doesn’t have brains, or restraint, it just fucks up and fucks up and does . . . not. . . stop.

I would argue KM should get a fist, however that fist should be only available via satellite photography and require a 14 page thread on how to find it using only a protractor, a tennis court, and a lock of hair from Kiev.

Oh, and fist me, bitch.

I think you’re the only person I’ve seen call omega a “bitch” Good luck with that fisting.

ps. Nice knowing ya.

Whatever, that sissy kicked me in the face and got skeered of my wrath. I will be coming for my revenge.

I gather MMA fighters automatically get fists, even if they never qualified at a throwdown eh?

I don’t think so, the fist is for throwdowns.

I’ve never done MMA sparring at a throwdown.

Is there an established procedure to get one yet? I believe Groundcontrolba has a bunch of video evidence for a large section of the MD TD Crew.

You’ve never done full contact sparring at a throwdown? I don’t know why you have a fist, I never fisted anybody, that’s not my department.