This Trollshido move was not satire and was only marginally malicious.

NOTE: The following is satire and is in no way malicious. :slight_smile:

The innuendo on ‘lightning fist’ is pretty bad.

Especially when you combine it with the above. Imagine this as a pickup line in a bar. “Hey baby, want to come back to my dojo and do some swiss trouserwrestling?” SMACK

“Sifu/Jangnim/Sensei/etc, where can I get a better price for my business trip to kansas city? Expedia keeps saying it’s $85/night!”

Now we have sexual innuendo AND performances in the orient. Just what exactly was being “performed”?

Is this on a mug or t-shirt?

1993 years? But he was only born in 1963! Ohhhh that must have been in whale-years. So he’s over 2000 years old.

Ok and seriously, do people buy this crap anymore? A non-descript “hall of fame black belt”? Most good con artists will AT LEAST make up their own organization and award themselves with it. I mean come on! You’re not even trying here bud.

The preceding was effectively what I thought as I read the original post.

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