The Worst Techniques I've Ever Been Taught

From a form-
Going go down on a knee so you can high block a front kick that was at your waist level.

Rolling at a person to deliver a knee kick and assuming they wont move out of the way

Sooooooo many jump kicks…

What? So does Judo have some rule where you have to pin someone for thirty seconds before you can use joint locks? Or do Judoka just have no idea how to perform an arm triangle?

What style did you learn that in?

It happened when he was still a student. He would tell us to just hand over our cash and what ever they wanted because its not worth it to get your head blown off.

That’s pretty much what I would do, is just give them what they want.

No. My point is that juniors (judo is full of them, far more than adults at least at all the clubs near me) are not allowed to do submissions. Kata gatame puts pressure on the neck and shoulder, enough to make someone tap out if they don’t have really high pain tolerance but not enough to count as a lock or a choke. So kata gatame is most useful as a sub for juniors, because frankly when you get to senior stage there are far better grappling subs to use and i don’t use any throw regularly that lands me straight in kata gatame, it’s something you get to from a different position on the ground.

A while my BJJ instructor taught me this ridiculous submission where you sit on your opponent’s stomach, facing away, and cradle his neck with one arm and one of his legs with another. Then you grab your own legs and squeeze your knees together until they tap from any number of things, such as discomfort, the wind being knocked out of them, a neck crank, or potentially hip displeasure.

“Madness,” I thought. “Surely this is One of The Worst Techniques I’ve Ever Been Taught!”

Then I caught a purple belt instructor in this move as said senior instructor watched in bemusement. Now, keep in mind it’s entirely possible I just pulled this move off because I’m really really really good, but personally I like to imagine this scenario was Jesus bitchslapping me for ever postulating the idea that a BJJ move could be uttered in this thread.

Hmmm of course theres alot of kata bullshit, but i will not mention it.
I rather tell you what i learned in TKD sparring class.
For some unknown reason you stand miles away from your opponent, he attack you with som WTF riverdance kicks. As soon as hes done kicking he freezes and waits.
And you counter him by punching him in the stomach, with your right hand, leaning your etnire upperbody into the punch. Laying your head parallel with the punch so you are seeing downwards. At the same time your right foot is almost going up in the air because of the overbalance of throwing your upperbody at him
The reason for this is so the judge clearly sees you hit him…
At this moment i was also taking Kickboxing, so i positioned myself at the back of my class and where so fucking close to laughing my ass off in front of everybody.

For some reason my TKD school had some prinsip called (freely translated from norwegian)
the weightline prinsip. Meaning when you kick a roundkick bring your upperbody back to the point that you almost fall etc etc.
All bullshit that scarred me for life, since i cant seem to get a good kick, and my kickboxing instructors are tired of trying to find out whats wrong with me.

Just FYI the TKD instructor of that class won the World Championship in ITF TKD sparring in Spain, some years ago (2005 maybe)

In Kosho Ryu Kempo there are many experiences I could share but here is just one. At a seminar, I was taught by one of Kai’s seniors to act like a MONKEY. He called it Saru. When someone is going to hit you, you move forward into the incoming strike (NO BLOCKS HANDS DOWN) and stick your face into their face (with a Monkey look of course). The theory was that you would SEE the punch coming because you were using periperal vision instead of tunnel vision and that would throw off his timing. What do you do if your timing is off?

My first experience when I was with a McDojo around 8 or 9 taught some technique where you would block a punch by crossing your arms and parrying it with the back of your hands…Ah TKD, the McDojo ruined so much for you in my eyes =/

jok ta sabumnim

As a former CDKTKD man, there will always be lots of stuff you can use to keep this thread going so long as the McDojo exists. Perhaps one day the last of these creeps will get killed or die off and the last rainbow belted acolyte will get into a real martial art.
Worst technique of the day? Spear hand to the solar plexus

TKD and McDojo are perfect marriage partners normally. least we forget…

Kosho Ryu…using your knee to push your opponents knee inward and “change the angle”. This was supposed to be a punch defense!

I wasn’t personally taught this one. I heard it being passed off TEH ULTIMATE STREETFIGHTING TECHNIQUE while one on my shitty rides to high school on the bus. That fucking bus …

Anyway, there was a little group of TKD fags that sat in the back and of course they were the loudest assholes on the bus. So one day I hear this dumbshit start talking about pressure points, and he basically says he can beat any boxer, muay thai, san da, kyokushin ETC striker by taking a pressure point in the armpit. Apparently, he’d TAKE the hit, the striker would leave his arm fully extended while the kid grabbed the bicep and started shoving his fingers into their armpit.

I got off the bus and told him I’d be happy to show him why that WOULDN’T work. Unfortunately, he had to go practice some tiger uppercuts and shoryukens.

Two good ones from my Shaolin-Do days…

Shaolin-Do’s defense against a bear hug from behind:

Basically, someones behind you, and has you lifted off the ground in a… hugging fashion. You’re supposed to go “dead weight” (e.g. completely limp), hammer fist their sides, kick their shins, then reverse head butt them in the face.

Shaolin-Do’s defense against a hand shake:
Wrap your hand around their thumb, Knife hand with free hand down on their elbow while you push with the shaking hand (and elbow in the face) and sweep with the leg closest to you.

I think it’s the nukite serie.

I was trusting my instructor so much that I was thinking at home “this spear hand technique is effective but how can I use it”
When I start to think its nonsense I was saying to myself “yeah the old men were too tough.They could do it but I cant.Its my weakness.”


And well in katas about %40 of techniques were completely bullshit.
I dont say “not so useful” I say “bullshit”

Blaming the individual or the specific case is a classic.

Now that is just not true.

Ah yes, how could we all forget the backfist and hammerfist?

Srsly, when I did shotokan for a short time, the vast, vast, vast majority of strikes in the kata were straight punches and reverse punches. I never saw hammerfists used in sparring, it was pretty much lots of kicks and straight punches.

Shotokan has hooks and uppercuts. They arent emphasized very much, but they are there.