The wisdom of a man -thread

We have it. We are the male of the species and we know when we are right!

Have you ever argued and gave up with your wife/girlfriend/sister… Etc, and know you are right!?

Then are able to prove it with facts for the all mighty told you so moment!?

The wisdom of a man…

Let’s hear it!

Why is this shitty part of the site still up? I thought it got voted off the fucking island.

If you think that possessing a penis makes you privy to some special wisdom, I doubt it’s a stretch to conclude that your ability to marshall and argue facts is pretty limited.

The real wisdom of a man is knowing when to STFU. Presenting facts to your spouse to prove her/him wrong will not lead to sexytime or even dinnertime. The need to say “I told you so!” is the wisdom of a boy on the internet.

There are many large echo chambers online about how women are the worst; do we really need that here too?

[QUOTE=Cake of Doom;2883202]The real wisdom of a man is knowing when to STFU. Presenting facts to your spouse to prove her/him wrong will not lead to sexytime or even dinnertime. The need to say “I told you so!” is the wisdom of a boy on the internet.[/QUOTE]

Now THERE is some wisdom…

[QUOTE=BKR;2883242]Now THERE is some wisdom…[/QUOTE]

It was a long and arduous study that lead to those results but the dividends were worth the effort.

[QUOTE=Cake of Doom;2883392]It was a long and arduous study that lead to those results but the dividends were worth the effort.[/QUOTE]

Hear, hear !