I did a search for ‘whisky’ and ‘whiskey’ and came up with nothing good, so this is the Whisky Thread.
Post your favorite Whisky and method of preparation here.
I’m actually looking for ideas of what to do with this bottle of red label i just bought, so far i’m just drinking it on ice like i always do. I’d get black label, but that shit is crazy expensive. my uncle in the philippines has several litres of the shit just sitting there getting older. he said it’s all mine. next time i go there, it’s all coming back with me, the duty is worth it.
I see nothing wrong with the way you are drinking it now. Whiskey on the rocks or Whiskey and water is how the better stuff should be drank. Leave the mixers for the crappy stuff.
I guess I’m a pussy. I can’t drink the shit straight. I’ll do shots, but I’d rather eat my own shit than sit there and sip a glass of straight whiskey. I don’t give a fuck what brand it is.
Speaking of Whiskey. I had a new one for me this weekend. Wild Turkey American Honey. It was pretty good stuff actually. It goes down smooth and sweet with a little bit of the trademark burn on the way down.
oh i was already half lit when i made that first post. allow me to clarify.
my uncle has several liters of black label in the bar in his house in the philippines. i estimate about 7 or 8. its been there since his doctor told him to stop drinking, about 10 years ago. a 40oz bottle of that stuff here costs $200 or so, for reasons i cannot explain. i can’t wait to go back. oh yeah, there’s also a shitload of lambanog. that stuff is rocket fuel. people have told me too much of that shit can make you go blind.
i bought red label yesterday. i’m cheap, it’s cheap, but still good. i didn’t quite finish it off so i have some to go with my steak dinner tonight (win).
I got this nice 12-year-old Islay single malt, not too expensive, from Bruichladdich. The reason I find it nice is that, as a beginner to Scotch, I’m not quite used to the burn yet, and this one is pretty mellow, and light on the peat (Laphroaig is interesting, but I’m glad as hell I never got a bottle of the stuff…). I drink the Bruichladdich neat. Glenfiddich, too, but in very small sips…
I buy whiskey and a 2 liter of diet coke. I shake the coke and let it flatten out so its got no bubbles then mix a 50/50 coke and whiskey on ice. And no… Pepsi is not a option. RC Cola is a acceptable substitute… RC stowns for Royal Crown. When mixed with Crown Royal whiskey you have a Royal Crown Crown Royal. Good stuff
I was under the impression that once bottled whiskey didn’t change its flavor or potency with age as it ages in the cask and not the bottle… Can anyone confirm or deny this?