The Ukraine Thread - War Edition

A surprisingly insightful comment from one such as yourself.

Meanwhile, the Azov 's are fighting Russians…and killing them.

Despite @jnp 's remark, you are not thinking straight.

Yes I know

What’s your point?

Give the Ukrainian’s the MiG 29s and Su 30s.

It’s good you acknowledge you are not thinking straight.

Keep working on that.

BTW, have you found a neo nazi to punch yet?

MIG 29s will basically get shot out of the sky by Russia’s more modern fighters. Soviet era technology is sorely lacking.

It would be somewhat symbolic, and maybe a bit helpful, but not a game changer.

Doesn’t have to be a game changer.

What they need is a way to get at the artillery that is pounding them…

Among other things.

Wow… just…wow…

So what exactly are your hands protecting in this scenario?

Nothing. But they are keeping their head low and making themselves more diminutive with this posture; potentially less likely to catch a peace of shrapnel or bounced off a wall.

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Those are “getting arrested by Russian soldier” drills

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I abhor violence

100% incorrect. Later3n had it right.

I really don’t care if you were trying to be pithy either.

I don’t know how many Ukrainians you know, but having had a Ukraine neighbour for several years I am confident they would get the gallows humour

I apologise for offending your sensibilities though

Given the lack of preparedness the Russians seam to be exhibiting I was wondering if perhaps this wasnt a big bluff by Putin that got called .

He perhaps wrongly assumed that the Ukraine and the west would cave at the sight of this army on the border.

It was quite well publicised that the US offered to take Zelensky out of Ukraine to be a president in exile at the beginning which he declined and chose to fight on.

Thats could have been more pivotal than I personally initially thought.

Putin would have been correct in his assessment of the current political leadership in the US and UK and EU if his personality assessments concluded them all as a bunch of spineless pussies and trying to get Zelensky out at the beginning was a bitch move as it was essentially saying Putin has won already lets go and regroup outside Ukraine.

Zelensky stayed , more weapons came and the bluff was called , Putin now has no choice but to follow through lest he loses all elements of fear from his threats he currently enjoys globally.

Part of me wonders that if as risky as it would be that if the UK or US (wouldn’t be anyone else lest face it) just blitzed the fuck out of his columns and airforce over Ukraine in a surprise attack and said "we will never attack you in Russia but you need to get the fuck out of Ukraine or we will make you " if this would not have caused sufficient of a shock to the Russian people that Putin would be other thrown pretty sharpish to avoid WW3.

Up until recently 20yrs or so I think generally the oppositions to western ideology considered that the US was crazy enough to nuke those they thought needed a good nukin but lets face it our politics is rotten and ruled by self serving cowards which is being taken advantage of by those that dont like us.

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This doesn’t make sense to me

They had been on a training exercise for a month or so before the invasion, during which they would have been testing and refining their logistics

For the whole plan to grind to a halt a week in does not stack up for me

I agree that Putin underestimated the resolve of the Ukrainian people , but must have predicted the kind of sanctions now in force, but he’s been building up a war chest since 2014

My understanding is that Russians don’t think like the rest of the world, certainly not the US, or non-slavic NATO countries…

I also have read in several places that the russian command basically expects NATO to attack Russia at some point in the future.

So, I’m pretty sure Putin would launch nukes at somebody or something…

Because nothing to lose, from his point of view, at that point, he’s likely see Russia as fighting for it’s survival.

He overestimated the abilities of the Russian army, on the ground, and the resolve of the Ukrainians…