The teenage girls in class act weird around me for some reason

It would be weird if they were not acting like this.

The teenage boys think I’m cool. Some of them even borderline look up to me. I say borderline because it’s impossible to look up to me when I’m really not that good. There are girls who are really good and champions but they want to randori or spar with me. I’m confused because they could ask anyone else in class especially people who are actually good to spar/randori with but they choose me. I guess a teenage girl is still a teenage girl even if she is a champion.

This reminds me of your first thread, when Joe posted a picture of Kenji Tomiki and I made an Aikido joke, and @BKR, that Munchkin, just HAD to correct me.

He wasn’t exactly wrong.

Stop worrying about your appearance. Just proceed to kick ass.

I remember when I was 30 or 31 I was in whataburger and these 4 15 year old girls were sitting down and eating. Basically hanging out. I passed by their table and this blonde one said hi to me. I meekly said hi and walked away. I was honestly scarred.

The girls in class don’t scare me but I just felt uncomfortable talking to a teenager I didn’t even know. I told my aikido teacher this story and he remarked my appearance and said why are you surprised?

You’re over 30 but give a shit about teenagers? Sus

But seriously, give a shit about why you’re in class. To train

I give a shit about the teenagers because they give me so much attention. I made this thread because I can’t figure out why. But @PDA explained it to me pretty well. The last sentence doesn’t make any sense. Of course I go to class to train.

Edit: Sorry I didn’t realized you were making a joke.