The teenage girls in class all act weird around me. I don’t know why. The teenage boys are friendly towards me which is fine but the girls just act weird. They give me extra attention and I can’t figure out why. I’ll give a few examples. This brown haired 15 year old girl yells at me when I don’t take care of my appearance. One time she asked me what kind of women do I usually date. That’s not really a weird question but it’s something I don’t feel comfortable talking about with a 15 year old. I told her I’m not discussing this with you. This girl who is 19 years old is technically a teenager hugs me every time she sees me. There’s nothing wrong with that but she doesn’t hug anyone else in class for some reason. This one guy who was in his mid 20’s was talking to her. I don’t know if he was hitting on her and she didn’t like it but she was totally ignoring him. She won’t shut up when she’s around me.
However sometimes I learn something interesting when the teenage girls talk to me. This one girl said when it was raining outside that “god was peeing on us.” I never really thought about it that way before. I asked her if she was having a quincerra when she turns 15 she said her mother’s family usually doesn’t have quincerra’s so probably no. I talked about girls not having quincerra’s to this Mexican woman in class. She said families aren’t having quincerras anymore. They’re spending money on college instead.
She’s not a teenager but this 10 year old girl runs towards me and holds hands with me at the end of every class. Her mother thinks it’s funny for some reason. This 17 year old Chinese girl told me one day I want to give you my phone number. I got my phone and pretended I didn’t know how to use it. She snatched the phone out of my hand and put her number in my phone. I’m not going to put every interaction with the teenage girls in my class in here but I hope I put enough to detail about how weird they act. I watched them and they don’t act like this with anyone else in class. It’s confusing it doesn’t make any sense. However I did notice the women in class act like a tamed version of the teenage girls. They’re overly affectionate but they don’t come off as being weird.
I think I get what you’re getting at with appearance being everything. The brown haired 15 year old girl always yelled at me when I didn’t take care of my appearance. No that’s just a picture of a random teenage girl I found on the internet. I’m kind of confused why you think I’m a 14 year old Chinese girl.
I posted a picture of her to represent a typical teenager for my thread. She’s not fake. I’m pretty sure she’s a real person and not an A.I. I’m not talking about blade runner. I watched the second one because I just wanted to know how a robot gets pregnant. I don’t want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn’t seen it but the answer to the question didn’t satisfy me.
I was going to say I’m hotter than blade but I’ve gained so much weight. I’ve been eating fast food alot because I’ve been too sick to cook. It’s really disgusting how much weight I gained.
Okay now you’re just screwing with me. It’s impossible for me to be an A.I. or replicant. I’m not a teenager. I posted the picture of a teenager because we’re talking about teenagers in this thread.
You are over analysing.
It is whatever you are or are doing combined with the environment.
You could go to a different school with a similar amount of girls or similar ages and they all treat you differently.
I grew up in a house with 3 teenage girls all a few years older than me.
Believe me it really could be anything or nothing.
It can also be contagious in that if just one or two of them start showing you any kind of attention the others will start to show you attention in their own way.
Oh okay. Teenage girls are silly so I can’t expect their behavior to make sense. This behavior keeps happening in every school I go to so I thought it was weird.