i know you guys don’t like to think things like this through but I mean, be serious.
Yes I wreslted two guys. Only 3 guys came to wrestling practice that day and since I was a lot bigger and better than them so we did 2 on 1 wrestling for like 6 matches. I had to pin both of them, once one was pinned he had to quit, if they managed to pin me they won.
They only pinned me twice. Mainly because I could pin the first guy within a couple seconds because my takedowns were so much better than their TDD.
When two people try to pin you they don’t know how to properly hold you down, one is usually easy to shake off. I got pinned because they both pushed down on my torso and I couldn’t bridge.
Also it is hilarious watching two wrestlers wondering how to take you down with two guys. They tried to grab one of my arms each but couldn’t get a good grip, eventually they settled on “I’ll go low, you go high.”
Took me down a couple times, but not absolutely immune to a sprawl.
2 on 1 is not impossible. i’ve seen those videos on youtube where one guy boxes like 10 guys trying to attack him by just sticking and moving. what would he do if he was a grappler? stick and sub? catch each one of em in a guillotine? I don’t even know.
but i’m never going to carry a gun because its ridiculously hard to get one in this country and I don’t believe in guns for civilians outside of their homes and ranges.
[QUOTE=marcwagz;2707426]i know you guys don’t like to think things like this through but I mean, be serious.[/quote] Don’t mix your post history with the rest of us.
Yes I wreslted two guys. Only 3 guys came to wrestling practice that day and since I was a lot bigger and better than them so we did 2 on 1 wrestling for like 6 matches. I had to pin both of them, once one was pinned he had to quit, if they managed to pin me they won.
So, exactly what I speculated. Thank you.
They only pinned me twice.
“Only twice”… out of six attempts. You have a 33% failure rate against, by your own admission, lesser trained people who are focused on taking you down without hurting you. How do you figure you’ll do against two opponents whose sole mission is to inflict harm?
When two people try to pin you down they don’t know how to properly hold you down, one is usually easy to shake off.
Six rounds of rolling with a pair of noobs does not in any way qualify you to extrapolate what “people” will or will not know how to do.
2 guys? 4 strikes to one taking them out quick then the other.
Only way grappling could work is if you can do a standing rear naked and use the guy as a human shield against his buddy.[/QUOTE]
How about this (see video below) + concrete working to take out someone much quicker then say trying to I dunno knock someone out with just 4 strikes
Six rounds of rolling with a pair of noobs does not in any way qualify you to extrapolate what “people” will or will not know how to do.[/QUOTE]In his world, yes it does. Just like people are jealous of his pillow Karate Chop.
[SPECIAL][/SPECIAL][QUOTE=It is Fake;2707597]In his world, yes it does. Just like people are jealous of his pillow Karate Chop.[/QUOTE]
you gotta admit, 93 klicks is pretty impressive.
Its also nice to know that your stalking not only covers bullshido, it also extends to different sites.
I went to the science center today and they had a hand speed clock to measure how fast you can karate chop. Basically you stand in front of this pillow and camera and chop the pillow as fast as you can.
I think I did pretty well.
First of all, the average speed at the science center was 24 km/h. Very slow I thought, but I figured it was because of all the kids at the science center.
Anyways I got 92 km/h and I didn’t see anybody, including big dudes, get anything over 60 km/h… maybe they weren’t trying but it was surprising to get more than 33% higher than everyone else.
I’ve been looking online to see worlds fastest karate chop but I can’t find it. All I could find was a fast punch which was considered about 70 km/h
How fast can you punch and chop?
Its also nice to know that your stalking not only covers bullshido, it also extends to different sites.
It’s also nice to know you stalk MMA websites to spew your lack of experience. You posted in this thread AFTER me STALKER.
you gotta admit, 93 klicks is pretty impressive.
Its also nice to know that your stalking not only covers bullshido, it also extends to different sites.[/QUOTE]
I’ve been meaning to ask this for awhile now. How old are you? I ask because you really come off young and ignorant. That’s not necessarily bad, we all were at one time, but please let me know so I know what level to address and responses.
It’s also nice to know you stalk MMA websites to spew your lack of experience. You posted in this thread AFTER me STALKER.[/QUOTE]
you clearly were stalking sherdog and went “oOo marcwagz now I can get more stuff to complain about him! YAY *wets pants”
I don’t lie on either site. It was 92, 93 is one higher I had honestly forgot. If I go again I’ll video tape it with my camera phone.
You just want me to be a liar so you can be on some kind of weird stalker moral high ground.
It doesn’t work buddy I only tell the truth.
[QUOTE=marcwagz;2707704]you clearly were stalking sherdog and went “oOo marcwagz now I can get more stuff to complain about him! YAY *wets pants”[/quote]Right because you are the ONLY person that posts on more than one website.
I don’t lie on either site. It was 92, 93 is one higher I had honestly forgot. If I go again I’ll video tape it with my camera phone.
Yes, most liars “forget.”
You just want me to be a liar so you can be on some kind of weird stalker moral high ground.
Kind of like your current “stalker” complaint.
It doesn’t work buddy I only tell the truth.
It just did. Instead of saying “I made a mistake” you conveniently forgot.
People that brag ALWAYS forget to talk about their best and highest achievement./sarcasm.
I’ve been meaning to ask this for awhile now. How old are you? I ask because you really come off young and ignorant. That’s not necessarily bad, we all were at one time, but please let me know so I know what level to address and responses.[/QUOTE]
I’m 21 and not on school vacation like you guys like to assume
every time I post you pick it apart as if its the rosetta stone.
even if I follow the advice of people here you think I’m LYING for no reason at all, just because you don’t want to believe me because I won’t tell you my address and how much money I have in CASH in my back pocket.
Fact? I haven’t told a single lie the entire time I’ve been on this site. And the 93/92 thing is the only mistaken detail.
How am I supposed to not be frustrated at a website full of people who simply say everything I post is BS because they don’t want to believe it? I mean what do you expect.
[QUOTE=It is Fake;2707706]
People that brag ALWAYS forget to talk about their best and highest achievement./sarcasm.[/QUOTE]
stalkers tend to not admit to stalking.
Also I don’t brag. I say stuff I think is cool. Because you people here think I’m bragging you whine and complain.
I have posted about stuff I do bad too… Ironically you never post there unless its to make fun of me.
Clearly you are the mature one.