The Right is Making a Huge Mistake


He’s exactly right. It’s a difficult idea to communicate to urban libs because they are largely bought into the political status quo, sometimes literally since their sinecures require the status quo to remain. Chuds don’t need someone who is exactly like them to represent them; which is why Trump showing up wearing a suit draws crowds while libs showing up with rolled up sleeves and carefully placed haybales does not.

I was struck by the insight Chappelle showed, but, then, I have been in the past too.

He’s being so damned provocative, and it’s like a trap, really.

The thing with Trump is he’s just grifting with his fake appeal to the “chuds” as you like to call them.

So Trump is no better, in the end, than the “libs” he makes into bogeymen. And people who think they are “using Trump” don’t seem to understand he’s using them.

“He used her, she used him, neither one cared”.

I’d like to think Chappelle understands we have to get beyond all the labels and demonization, or we are going to be stuck in the same cycle.

Hahahaha Twitter. Get real. Here comes the Storm Part Deux.

As in fucking troopers. You want to know what a real Deep State looks like? How about an army of batshit radical brainwashed by their fucking phones and cable TV.

I thought that Qanon dad who drove his kids to Mexico and murdered them with a speargun was rock bottom. Nope turns out there’s a actual Crusade forming as we speak, with Trump at the helm.

Ironically the triple killing in Charlottesville was like an omen to remember Charlottesville 2017. Anybody remember laughter?

They called it Unite the Right.

It worked.

Literally a Crusade, correct.

You can even buy flags and T-Shirts already.

The irony of the whole crusade thing is up there.

I’d say there are… several… “rights” working at this point. I’m not sure they are all exactly united.

It’s like different grifting teams competing for some imaginary top spot ?

It’s the right-wing equivalent of the description of the left-wing radicals given earlier, who then migrated to academia and further to civil service/government/politics.

Sort of…

I thought all Americans were of Scots/Irish decent

Even those that aren’t

@BrevardFighter likes to LARP as a Red Neck remember

I don’t think so, at all. I am, for sure. With some Kraut and “Scandinavian” thrown in for good measure.

Well, a lot of Kraut…

I man, I’m also got a good amount of “Anglo Saxon” Protestant in me, too.

Blood quanta is so damned important in these matters of ethno-class purity and membership, ya know.

I need to know of the commielibs are gonna send the M1A Abrams after me anytime soon.

I hear the pure Scots-Irish have an inside track to some NLAWS and Javelins?

Until I see his “23 and me” profile, I’ll withhold judgment !

No it didn’t. We are not all united.

It’s another commielibtard myth perpetuated from the naziinsurrectionistwhitesupremecists’ propaganda.

That’s funny. Russia just attacked Poland.

That’s a NATO attack.

Buckle up.

Well, that’s not good news.

Russia dropping missiles on more Ukrainian civilians, too. Bad juju.

Scots-Irish article, for those who care.

Looks to me like the blood quanta is well past the Octoon level.

More like any current blood-quanta is going to be at least 6 generations back, as the main wave of “Scots-Irish” immigration was the 50 years before the American Revolution started.

So I suspect a LOT of us could “pass” for Scots-Irish…

Incorrect. Even if we are only talking about “heritage” Americans whose families came here before or very soon after the revolution.

There are plenty of Anglo and Protestant people spread across the US, just not all of them are specifically WASPs.

It’s probably more accurate to do it like many of the tribal governments/councils do where it’s not blood quantum but proving genealogy. A lot of 20th century Southern grandmas were big on it including mine. My family goes back before the DOI.

This is more accurate than the schizo posting above you. There isn’t one united right wing movement in the US, there are multiple breaks between factions and individuals ranging from your (really more accurately lib right) mainstream conservatives who just want to slow roll left lib/leftist policy preferences to monarchists, self described fascists, NazBols (National Bolshevism sometimes called Strasserism, they kind of straddle the line between left and right but there’s not really a serious movement of NazBols in the US it’s more edgy internet Zoomers), people who just don’t like liberalism, actual neo Nazis etc.

Yeah, you left out quite a few of them.