The Right is Making a Huge Mistake

I am inclined to ban you for this. I will defer to Sub because he did not do so.

Keep that racist shit to yourself or you will be gone.

It’s bad enough that you have the term Marine in your username. I doubt you were ever in the service, but if you were, I’d bet you were a shitbird.

You’re hilarious and irrelevant.

Why is it they let absolute morons like you run this site? No wonder it sucks.

Racist shit? Whatever, boy. It was not racist at all and your a piss poor judge of racism if you really believe that. It was a reference to Sho Nuff from The Last Dragon, idiot. Though y’all were maists here, na?

I don’t know who’s black white yellow or shit stained here but now I know your one of those moral high horse types nobody can stand.

How about you ban BrevardFighter for all the gay and anti Semitic shit? Na? You gonna ban me for doing nothing? Go ahead and see if I fucking care

Fuck you and fuck the Corps. You people are half the problem with the Right in this county. Too much booze and STDs rotting your fucking brain to keep a website alive, let alone American democracy.

Stuff your virtue signaling right up your ass until your choke on it, big boy.

Lookout, racism!

Meanwhile you racist punk motherfuckers are actually arming up and intimidating minority voters in your quest to get Donald fucKKKing Trump back.

Fuck all y’all.

Ah, reflecting my own quote back to me.

Yawn. You act like a teenager online. I wonder if you are any more mature offline?


I’m the token liberal here. I’d sooner vote for a cardboard box than DJT. The box would probably be a better leader.

Let’s not ban anyone. Internet drama is more fun when everyone can speak.

Sorry bro. That was uncalled for and I apologize.

Just watched a college bound kid break his neck and die. A bit on edge this week.




Dumbass. I don’t make up facts cause I’m bored. I go out and see and do interesting shit, then I talk about that.

The Loony Right are the ones doing most of the violence

If Twitter is biased against violence, then that’s a good thing, right?

Huh? First off, it’s the left doing the violence. The right was not using twitter to run drills.

That being said, yes, shutting that down is a good thing.

Good deal, as long as it’s done across the board.

The right doesn’t really have such structures. It’s not their thing and they take constant losses.

What’s weird is that they’ll have the tech skills, but not the imagination. Not enough drugs maybe?

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Posting screenshots of “exclusive” news is shitty way of sourcing anything. I can’t even Google the title of your screenshot and get anything remotely close to it coming up. So it’s not real to me yet. Might not even be true in general, just some BS. Lots of that posing as reporting.

Post actual links to news so people can gauge whether or not it’s from a credible source or a rag. Most independent journalists writing about online about social media drama are actual morons and slypu shouldn’t believe a word they write without some sort of independent verification. That’s how actual Communists get brainwashed, they are forced into an info echo chamber. That’s what happened to West, once he only got his info from morons, it was all over.

If no one can even find any actual credible source for what your posting about, it might as well be bullshit bait for pearl clutching old women and drunken ex cops who watch Fox and subscribe to Breitbart.

If you read the last image it has the source. You can also just go to that telegram.

The Right has been working on and executing plans since I would say the mid-70s, especially the religious Right.