The politics, short sightedness and raw stupidy around the death of this young woman make me so angry I could piss fire.
First things first:
How this happened, I don’t know. The tragedy of it however is palpable.
Normal people don’t like violent criminals but violence against women, especially young women makes people understandably nuts. If this can happen to her, it can happen to your families too.
It goes without saying that this should garner a universal, unqualified statement of rebuke against the perpetrators of this crime. Unqualified, meaning, no caveats and no second guessing. They get their due process like any other person but there shouldn’t be any reservations about the nature of this crime and there shouldn’t be any condemnation against the righteous moral outrage of such a crime being committed against anyone’s little girl.
She deserves support. The family deserves support. Law enforcement deserves support in doing everything they can to save every missing girl and deliver justice for the victims and survivors of these crimes.
It should go without saying. I thought so, but instead we have this shit:
Can somebody fire this stupid bitch now?
FFS, this race resenment shit is beyond the pale. Yeah, white people get upset when pretty little girls go missing and wind up dead. That’s a part of our culture in America.
I’m really fucking sorry that people find that inconvenient. Maybe Joy Ann Reid could do a little journalism and report on violence againt black women instead of getting upset that other people are concerned over the young victim of a terrible crime.
This bothers me to no fucking end. This resentment shit is exactly what causes these crimes to be reciprocal in every community. By all means, get fucking pissed off about every little girl that goes missing. Get angry when someone hurts any one of them but don’t be the kind of twisted fuckwit that resents it when people care.
Look at the people who commit these crimes. Are young women suffering from an abundance of care?
This kind of resentment politic is exactly the kind of thing that drives crimes like this:
It’s not right. It shouldn’t happen to anyone’s little girl. This should never be a matter of GD race politics.
Wrong is wrong. And Jesus Christ, what kind of psychopath in the news says something so terrible about community concern over someone’s little girl after something like this happens.
We shouldn’t be underreporting anyone’s missing little girl. Try a little god damned compassion instead of twisting it into some bullshit point of aggression against a grieving community and something that is supposed to matter to everyone: caring for strangers and their missing kids.
Yes, missing black girls go underreported and don’t get enough coverage. The answer isn’t blaming people for caring about white girls. The answer is raising the volume about the fate of endangered black girls.
Reid makes me sick and she can take her phony morality and sit on it in a dark, cold room.