I first encountered Tom and Sandra Fox on the Coda Scott threads. They were huge treads, so I never did read every post, but I did get an idea of what Tom’s role in it was. He was from the same area as Coda so he was often up-front on the issue. He was one of the guys who sat on the panel that evaluated Coda’s skills. He seemed like a good enough guy, and he seemed honest about Coda and his abilties.
The next time I ran into them was totally different. This was on the Kung-Fu Magazine (KFM) forums. Initially only Sandra Fox was posting. As she used a different username (FungFu2u2) than she did on Bullshido, I did not know it was her. She was defending Rudy and JFS alot. As I was staying on Rudy constantly, we often clashed. I found out it was her when I was challenged to a cage match by her: http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=782796&postcount=833
After humoring her and asking specifics, she let it be known she was Sandra Fox. Upon me informing her that unlike Omar I do not make dates to fight women, she offered up Tom instead:
Tom still denies this. When asked why she was defending Rudy and attacking Anthony, Sandra responded it was because Anthony was “a fat ass”
Around the time of the Anthony-Rudy fight, a poster using the username of ‘kidcompton’ showed up on Rudy’s board. He listed his real name as Rashad Smith and that he was a BJJ Purple Belt who had trained at LA MMA. ‘Rashad’ had a dislike for me for some reason. ‘Rashad’ posted that his cousin lived in the Austin area and was going to come to me and beat me down. He asked for info on me and Rudy complied. Sandra Fox also admitted later to actually calling my gym and asking if I trained there and if they did train fighters there too. Since I had never known of any BJJ Purple Belt to have someone else fight his battles for him, I became suspicious of ‘Rashads’ claim to be a BJJ Purple Belt and began asking Sandra Fox to ask about this over there as I do not bother to post on Rudy’s forum. Mrs Fox admitted to talking to him, but said it was private:
After repeated requests for the name of who gave ‘Rashad’ his belt, Tom finally said it was his own business:
So I decided to take a closer look at Tom Fox’s role in the Coda Scott saga, as he was looking to be a huge hypocrite now. I found some very interesting stuff in the thread concerning Tom Fox.
On 8/6/06 Tom took over teaching Coda’s classes while Coda was away:
On 9/13/06 Emboesso (of all people!) notes that Tom fox is on Coda’s promotions board:
On 9/27/06 Tom becomes frustrated at Coda and walks off, then demands to be taken off of Coda’s testing board:
On 9/28/06 Tom first mentions helping Coda’s students:
But later THE SAME DAY Tom says Coda does not know what he is doing and says he may challenge him:
On 10/25/06 Tom changes his tune and offers to train Coda, but only if he is paid. Tom makes this offer despite seeing Coda displaying and saying he earned a military medal he did not earn:
On 3/23/07 Sandra Fox confirms Tom offered to train Coda:
The next day, 3/24/07, Tom says he did offer to train Coda and does not rescind the offer:
Now this one takes the cake! Just 28 minutes later Tom discourages anyone from training with Coda, BUT THEN SAYS HE COULD BE A GOOD INSTRUCTOR:
So it does appear that Tom Fox is a huge hypocrite. While ‘Rashad’ can claim belts and it’s no one’s business, he charges head first into investigating Coda Scott for the same thing. Then AFTER Coda was found to be liar about his MA experience and military service, Tom Fox offers to train him! As Tom’s ranks are legitimate, any rank he bestowed on Coda would have been legitimate too, thus allowing a known liar and fraud to operate under legit credentials given to him by Tom Fox!
Tom Fox, you are a hypocrite.