The gaming thread

I was too! Loved that game.


There is a secret Unicorn Pong game hidden inside Firefox.

Fuck, I forgot about this.

Music, trope deconstructionism, technologically dead societies, builders, post-apocalypse survival and just about everything to do with space exploration. Not the action oriented stuff or RTS but turn based strategy and tactics games.

Basically anything that covers subjects popularized by Isaac Asimov. Foundation and Empire type shit.

I love post apocalypse for the survival stories but not a big fan of “Steampunk, Gothpunk or Cyberpunk” stuff because it’s oversaturated with losers (and over contrived political agenda narratives).

Any recommendations for a ww2 to present military strategy game for xbox?

Tons but I’m not sure about XBOX since I’m a PC person.

If you like ultra realism and heavy history in your WW2 strategy gaming I recommend the Hearts of Iron series. You can get really bogged down in the logistics during some parts of the game, especially playing as Russia on the Eastern Front or as China in their desperate battle against the Japanese occupation. That shit is brutal as fuck, and of course those are the first guys I wanted to play as when I was new to the game because they had the toughest stories for that part of history in terms of scope of being the underdog of the major countries that came out victorious. Germany and Japan were way easier by comparison if you just don’t make the huge classic blunders. The game is made to scale by being responsible for every aspect of industrial modern war by virtue of troops, armor, artillery, air, naval, logistics, etc.


Mrs. Rabbit hated the spiritual ancestor of Hearts of Iron, Panzer General, because that was the game she’d wake up to me playing at 3am during college.

Since @Rival_Vemad liked this post, if he hasn’t played it there’s a Spain campaign too. It’s brutal.

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Rabbit, I’m sorry. I’ve been a dick to you and I’m apologizing.

It’s not you, it’s me.

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You know what the bitch is? I bet he has me on ignore now.

Story of my life. It’s always too late to say you’re sorry.

It’s a well known fact I’m incapable of ignoring anything on Bullshido.

No sport.

I can also vouvh for story mods for Hearts of Iron 4, such as Kaiserreich (if I didn’t fuck up the spelling), where they simulate Germany winning WWI, France falling to Communism, a second American civil war, and if memory serves Japan is the shining beacon of liberal democracy.
Lots of historical fiction writers love that game, though the learning curve is pretty steep.

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I recommend starting as the US or Great Britain because they have the easiest time guarding their borders. If the wermacht breaks through the front line they can be hard to stop.

This came in the pub ads of my feed.

Wondering if anyone has given it a try.

This game is going to create a whole new generation of Tapout alphas, but with multiplayer MMA Manager ratings.

I could see this game getting bought up and polished, it’s got potential. Lots of details to set up for specific fighters. Kind of of MMA D&D.

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