Save the Uighurs. Period. Save anyone that is oppressed and systematically destroyed by their government; wall of text not required.
So you agree, Black Lives do Matter
Well man, I don’t know if there’s much anyone can do.
Chinese kids are being subtly taught in school that Uighurs are the descendants of foreign invaders whose owe their present loyalty to the CCP by virtue of being allowed to live on Chinese land after their ancestors stabbed China in the back.
It’s requires a very selective reading of Chinese history but it’s what the kids are being taught in school and what the talking heads in mixed media are being directed to highlight by the CCP.
It doesn’t stop there either. Presently China is pushing into the Middle East and Africa while running covert state propaganda in books and TV to paint themselves as “white saviors”. I shit you not, there’s an extremely popular Chinese series of fantasy science fiction books right now that are set to feature a Chinese guy being reincarnated as the second coming of Jesus Christ in Africa. Literally, a “white savior” complex in every cliched sense. I’m not sure how much of that is intentional or just that the author is playing to his audience.
Regardless, China’s government has gotten so good at manipulating the population with these little nudges repeated in specific popular patterns to set whatever narrative that they want in combination with the “Great Firewall of China” that it’s utterly impossible for outsiders to move the needle on Chinese domestic public opinion.
They see our open free media, flawed as it is, as their worst enemy and simultaneously our biggest weakness. They lack the subtlety that Russia has developed in their foreign influence campaigns but if they ever get good at it then we’re in trouble.
They do however have significant influence on a huge swath of the Chinese language media being consumed domestically by Chinese immigrants through all kinds of crazy conspiracy theory stories. American born Chinese are more resistant to it but the bait of conspiracy theory driven misinformation is as effective a gambit on them as it is on everyone else. It’s very easy to make someone look for the comfort of security in a pack of tailor made lies that play to their fears and resentments when the old fashioned hard truths about life provide so little emotional comfort.
Edit: Having some simple bad guy to fight against that people can blame for all their troubles, even if it’s not real or comically distorted, is much more appealing for some people than seeing the big picture of humanity’s flaws. “The devil”. The Second Gunman on the Grassy Knoll. The Illuminati. Pizza Gate. 9/11 Truthers. Gay Marriage Causes Natural Disasters. Monkeyfucker AIDS. The Rothschilds. Jews caused Germany to lose WWI. Birthers. White Genocide. My personal favorite: AN ANGRY (all loving) GOD!
Your eyes and ears are exposed to Communist lies, you mean.
As well as your lack of education in Chinese history.
Blind as a bat, as usual.
Things in China are nearly as bad as in the UK
China’s falling population is a problem for them as well.
They need to encourage Xtianity and get to breeding again.
Re. Chinese middle class.
I’ve worked with many Chinese middle class people. Politically they come across as pretty docile & compliant in my experience. The information control is extraordinary, I was working with a group of 8 Chinese PhD students, none of them had heard of Tibet. When the 25th aniversary of the Tianamen Square protests happened they were completely unaware of that such a thing had ever happened.
China is my second home. There is a huge difference in knowledge of Chinese vs those from Hong Kong.
Could they have just been so scared of talking about Tibet, because one or all could be security agents, that they just feigned ignorance ?
Of course.
That is the most likely explanation.
Or they felt it was rude of him / her to bring up,
since it is an issue of some internal importance and delicacy within their country.
The real China problem is that our lack of response invalidates MAD. We ain’t nuking shit for a few hundred thousand dead Americans. Not a damn thing.
I’m very glad to hear that
Ha ha @Dr_Righteousness , Gordon is calling you a transsexual
But is he from Transylvania?
I hear they wear woman’s cloths
There Doofa goes again,
Being the silly person in the room, or discussion,
who tries to put words into others’ mouths.
You may put words into your own mouth, Doofa, but no one else’s.
They weren’t being scared, they know the area as North China, they’d literally never heard of Tibet until I brought it up. Its history is simply not taught to Chinese kids at school & never mentioned.
They’d also call out other Chinese students if they thought they were adopting too much Western culture, except clothes that is.
Now Russia can nuke us without retaliation.
Why would they want to?