The bear essentials of posting with mentally challenged adults


[QUOTE=Holy Moment;3051972]PitFighting.[/QUOTE]

Underwater bearhanded pitfighting. Not bare handed. Bear handed. You have to literally kill a bear with it’s own bear hands.

[QUOTE=Holy Moment;3051972]PitFighting.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Dung Beatles;3051993]Underwater bearhanded pitfighting. Not bare handed. Bear handed. You have to literally kill a bear with it’s own bear hands.[/QUOTE]

Shitpost warning. This is one of our more serious discussion areas. Thank you for your cooperation.

Sorry. I… didn’t realize there was a serious section.

[QUOTE=Dung Beatles;3052028]Sorry. I… didn’t realize there was a serious section.[/QUOTE]

Basic and AdGrap are heavily on-topic areas. PhysFit and Armory, as well.

[QUOTE=Dung Beatles;3051993]Underwater bearhanded pitfighting. Not bare handed. Bear handed. You have to literally kill a bear with it’s own bear hands.[/QUOTE]

I like it! Tell me more.

[QUOTE=Diesel_tke;3052054]I like it! Tell me more.[/QUOTE]

Bear “hands”?

Quit trolling :smiley: He’s 5’1".

[QUOTE=submessenger;3052009]Shitpost warning. This is one of our more serious discussion areas. Thank you for your cooperation.[/QUOTE]

My response was serious.

A little PitFighting can clear that autism right up.