The 300 workout!

While I was surfing around digg I came across this article about the 300 workout and figured that the boy and girls on this forum might like this. After reading through that I come away wondering, am I training the right way? Are machine lifts and bench presses just not sufficient. What are some good ways to impliment things like this into your workout (weighted sprints, resistance sprints, braced push ups). What could be gleaned from this to possibally created an ultimate martial artists workout? While I do know a little about working out I am unfortunately ignorant when it comes to rather unconventional methods like tire throwing etc. How does one go about training like this? What’s a good place to start outside of the kettle bell stuff (which I have seen and tried) that he recommends? While I am hardly on a quest to have a body that looks like it’s made of stone if it’s functional as the article says in practicle strength and turns out results like that then I would be happy to put my body through that kind of hell.

EDIT: Part 2

If you are just benching and doing machine lifting, I can tell you without even reading the workout that you’re training wrong.

A good routine, almost regardless of the goals, needs squats and deadlifts in it of some variety, and very little machine work compared to free weight work. You need to build up a foundation in the core lifts (things like benching, squatting, deadlifts, overhead presses, dips, pull-ups and rows) before trying anything really fancy.

If you want something simple, consider a routine of 3-5 heavy compounds for 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps (the 3-5 principle of Pavel).


Day 1:
Squat: 5X5
Overhead Press: 5X5
Pull-ups: 5X5

Day 2:
Deadlift: 5X5
Dips: 5X5
Bent over rows: 5X5

Rotate between day 1 and day 2 on MWF.

Edit: Just read through the routine. It’d definitely get you “functional strength”, but as I said, you’d most likely want to build your foundation first.

Looks good, and it’s not for the faint of hearth by any means, but I don’t see any usage of squats :icon_scra

– EDIT –

I predict a myriad of “300”-inspired fads, just like Ong Bak. Sooner or later you’ll see the “300” workout video, or “Learn the Combat Techniques of The 300 (major credit cards accepted)”.

Little know secret about movie abs

They’re “enhanced” through use of make up.

Just like “lips” in porn magazines :tongue3:

Thanks for the idea, El Macho!

“Chapter 1: finding modern narrow passages suitable for combat”


cough, GymJones/Crossfit, cough

The important message is summed up on the second page:

To recap - you must do full body movements. You must do “athletic movements”, like deadlifts, squats, kettlebell clean and presses, pullups, ect.

If you do all of these plus a few more and have the correct diet you will get lean and strong. All the circuit training/300 reps stuff will help you with endurance and capacity for increased intensity but aside from that it’s mostly a gimmick. Kettlebells and tyre flipping/odd object lifting will help you with functional strength and coordination.

If you’re doing standard weight training you get pretty much all muscle groups hit from deadlifts, squats, pullups, rows, dips and military press.

Basically, yeah. To be fair, from what I’ve read on their website they’re really more like hardcore elitist Crossfit. Most of the guys who go there seem to be the mountaineer, bicyclist, fighter type, because their workouts aren’t going to make you strong, but you’ll be able to go forever. That’s the main site. Check out the workouts under schedule, or read some of what’s written under knowledge. Some of it’s quite good.

Kewl. I’m gonna start one called KrossSpart Fitness. Kinda got the Cross Fit crowd vibe but also attracts the Spartan 300 crowd without fear of brand names and copy write infringement.

GJ used to be directly affiliated, actually. They fell out some time ago over something (still not entirely sure). The workouts and methadology are exactly the same, just attitudes are different.

*** crickets chirping, owl singing ***
Somewhere deep in the pits of lard, Matt Furey is regurgitating a “300” based workout featuring the always present hindu squats.
*** crickets chirping, coyote owling, crickets chirping ***

… ultimate martial artists workout?

Jesus Christ, here we go…

And, of course, this ritual wouldn’t be complete without mentioning “functional strength”.

As opposed to the other kind.


Yeah, it was painful to write those words.

The world would not be the same without these strange rituals :tongue3:

Well they do provide a certain form of amusement every now and again.

He’ll probably claim that hindu squats were introduced into India by Alexander the Great’s armies, along with Pankration, providing him with the perfect excuse to flog his wares in a Classical Hellenic style-ee…

Step 0ne:

Be one of the .0001% of people born with genetic predisposition to both high metabolic rate AND low-effort muscular hypertrophy.

Step two: Work out all day every day…and get paid to do it.

Step three: Secure trainers, nutritionists, doctors, and coaches to ensure you are maximizing all your potential.

Step four: Unlimited supplementation budget.

It’s simple really…we all could do it.

Gene Therapy FTW.