Ten Reason why TKD beats all styles

I actually thought it was pretty funny…+rep.

Gringo Grande

the fact that it’s yet another TKD thread made me frown

how do humor?

I thought it was hilarious… mostly because it rings the truth… heh hrh heh.

Mr.Rant… will you be my firend? Please…

only those who consistintly sandbag at tournaments may be granted friendship

I’m almost entirely certain that this entire post was sarcastic.

but that’s just me.

Funny ass shit…too bad it’s all true…

My life for you… My life for you…


Best first post ever. However, Osiris is right when he says ‘meant for Trollshido’.

I love this place!

Best first post ever. However, Osiris is right when he says clearly Trollshido material…

I love this place!

He forgot to mention the sweet V neck outfits!

Man, I almost died when I saw people wearing those to NAGA.


( I haven’t been in TKD for…uh…almost…20 years. Oh god.)

Fuck, that’s awesome.

v necks rock and you know it. besides, our kicks are too powerful, if we had an open flap gi it would fly off during our spin moves

Imagine how they must have felt!

Did they grapple in them?!??!

Of course they Rock!!!

In a muscle car-and-mullets, Rex Kwon Do kind of way.

But couldn’t you use the Open Flap Gi technique to whirl thru the air LIKE HWARANG?!??!
You know what I’m talkin’ 'bout.

I think you would do well to compete in, say, an american flag or gold lame V Necked TKD outfit. SWEET!

i prefer the confederate flag gi or “dobak”

when i first started jiujitsu i wore my tkd uniform. getting collar choked by that little thin collar SUCKS!