since legs are stronger n longer then arms, there is little chance that a boxer will ever be able to beat up a tkd master.
2.Wing Chun
most wing chun practicioners are used to hand sliding and what not, a good tkd guy will easily roundhouse the crap out of any wing chun guy.
3.Kyokushin Karate
Kyokushin karate guys are used to slow but powerful movements. TKD is so fast, any tkd guy will deliver a spinning heel kick to the kyokushin guy’s face so hard, Mas Oyama will feel it.
all judo moves rely heavily on wearing the gi. all a TKD guy has to do is take off his shirt, and push kick the judo guy in the chest. he will die of pain. Jigoro Kano knew this, this is why he moved out of korea and took the art to japan.
5.Brazilian Jiu jitsu
All a tkd guy must do, is give a quick rounhouse to the chest, step back and raise his finger in the air, letting all those watching that he has scored a point. he will repeat this over and over until the BJJ guy gets frustrated and quits.
6.American jiu jitsu
all a tkd guy must do is say, WTF?? american jiu jitsu isn’t a martial art! all it is is BJJ with english names for moves instead of brazilian. (yes bitches, brazilian not portugese) the AJJ guy will then run off and post a thread on his encounter.
7.Muay thai
muay thai is inferior. they don’t even break any boards. a TKD master will tell the MT guy “your shorts are actually kinda long, i almost cant see your jock strap”
when the MT guy looks down the TKD guy will give him a front snap kick to the face and say Bando is better! then run off
as it is made clear in the video section, TKD can skip over the mma guys. the mma guys are cheaters who don’t even hit correctly, so a true tkd master will not waste his time on MMA guys
is this reality based enough for you? a patachogi to the back of the head!!
10.ANY martial art
any martial art that has claimed to beat tkd at any time only challenged a Mcdojang guy. there is no way anyone could ever beat a guy from Korea!
all of you so called martial artists need to stop getting on TKD’s nuts. you have obviously not see the real Tae kwon do