Tattoos for Martial Artists

Post your Tattoos!

In all honesty I created this thread because I’m hoping someone will come up with a brilliant idea for a tat I could use. My brother is a tattoo artist so I can get this for free, which means I have a lot of options.

I have 0 tats now, and only want to get one, big solid one. Unfortunately, I know jack shit about that scene outside of the fact that I don’t want any kanji or pretty much anything else that’s written in a language I don’t speak (personal preference).

What I’m thinking of getting will be a tat that takes up most of my back, comes over my traps onto the top of my chest, and possibly on my arms/shoulders but not low enough so as to be seen if I’m wearing a t-shirt. I only want to get 1 tat and be done with it, so the design has to be exactly what I want, not corny, and something I’ll be proud of 20 years from now when I’m CEO of FuckYouIndustries or something.

Ideas I’m playing with, and feel free to let me know if they suck. I know jack shit about ink:

Tribal-ish 5 headed dragon, 1 solid color in thick lines (no detail/features). 2 heads go over my traps to my chest, 2 heads go onto my shoulders (one each) and one “disappears” into the base of my kneck (stylized, not detailed).

Like I said, I have all the options in the world here, including UV-visible-only ink (not sure about that). I’m kicking around the idea of having each head be a different color but that might be too Dungeons and Dragons and consequently, lame. So it’d probably be one solid color. I originally liked the idea of a rich blue, but something tells me it’d look like a prison tat simply because it’s blue. So I’m thinking of a gunmetal (apparently they have this), “Black Cherry Red”, or just plain true black.

I’m Scots-English so I’d be open to non-lame/overdone ideas from that genre(?), or maybe even something “science-y” if it works. Obviously nothing religious unless it’s from some non-religion such as Buddhism or is just exceptionally badass.

So feel free to post pics of your own tats, or suggestions for ideas of something like I mentioned above.

What about American Jujitsu.

Dog Dave that is new here on Bullshido is a fighter and tattoo shop owner. He might have some ideas if you IM him. Not sure if he still posts here or not.

Edit - I just e-mailed him for ya.

I don’t know if I should respond to this with “umm, AJJ only has like 4 schools so if I ever leave KC I’ll probably not be training in it” or a simple “HURRRDURRRDUURRRF rolleyes”.


Get the Bullshido Bully.

Ok, I’m not serious.

Ok I am, get Bully.

Thats an awesome idea, or maybe a terrible one. I can’t decide which.

Incidentally, is anyone in the U.K. not studying BJJ and Judo and a noob? I might change my profile just so I don’t feel left out.

Yeah, Me, Matsufubu, Dave Humm, Sochin101, Slideyfoot…and there are others.

The most interesting tatoos Ive seen lately are Theravada Bhuddist Script put on by Monks to give power. I dont really believe in the whole hooky spooky magic thing but its cool and timeless. Most of the guys in my family have power tats, most of the wheels and stuff they use is in A kind of lost language that some believe was used at Angkor Wat. If you look around and find some of the original pen and ink sketches of Angkor Wat done by the first explorers they are nice in Black, Any historical pen and ink drawing will transfer to skin in black nicely if you like the art.

family crest maybe?

I wanna get a tattoo, but there’s no way I could ever decide on one that I’d be ok with having on my body for the rest of my life (and Kat wouldn’t let me)

Udjat, nice.

I considered something like the Buddhist script but I’m still not a fan of having words to a language I don’t speak on me. The family crest would be cool considering it’s 4 arrowheads…

…actually 4 arrows going over my shoulders/traps with a bow across my back wouldn’t be half bad. Maybe a massive fist drawing it back too. Hmm.

Don’t worry, I read some Hanzi and I’m local so I can proof it for you.

[starts translating acupuncture business card into hanzi]

Pussywhipped. :pottytrai

this is probably not the kind of thing you are looking for because its quite detailed-
this is the inside arm bit (which didnt hurt nearly as much as people kept telling me it would)

this is the outside part… and yes i am flexing, gwar go those pipis!

and this is an old picture i found of the sort of front sort of side

The three runes* are in their anglo saxon versions- ur (aurochs) eoh (yew) and tir (polaris)

you can only see tir (the upwards pointing arrow) and ur in those pics though.

i cant stress enough that you gotta get something you really want. i spent a long time before i got it done and went to a lot of trouble to make sure it was done exactly how i wanted it, luckily i had a great tattoo artist working with me who could turn my shitty scribbles into what i was seeing in my head. definitely worth it though, i love it and have got 95% positive feedback (other 5% have been complete fuckwits and/or tattoo elitists who think tribal is passe or whatever)

plus its gotten me laid a couple of times and thats whats most important really. i like your idea of the dragons, if i had the balls and money i might get a big tattoo over my back. id probably get another band on my other arm first though.

*DISCLAIMER- no i do not believe in magic. i do not have tarot cards (not that the meanings they put on those retardo things have anything to do with any of the runic alphabets) and i do not have a dreamcatcher above my bed, and i do not think im a viking or a woad warrior. although i have considered painting myself up, busting out some lime and carrying a spear to my next fancy dress party.

No offense, but the best tattoo is no tattoo.

Japanese Koi - B&W with Red Flowers and white highlights

you practice the art of fighting widout fighting? or is this the equivalent of me posting in a thread about what bra gives the best support and giving my unwanted and retarded opinion?

get one like wanlop sitpholek and you too might win the S-1!

I actually don’t like tats on women so I can see where Chick’s coming from.

haha Alex’s biceps are as small as mine.