Systema h2h video clip, yah it's garbage

So because you post under your real name (or what people assume to be your real name), it must mean that 99% of all the systema clips on the web aren’t bullshit?

If you want us to help make a better clip, drop in sometime with a video camera.

Remind me to punch you next throwdown. :qleft2:

I wonder if you’ll show up in a future Bullshido news story Paul. :read2:

In slow motion?

Really, though; I’m just playing devil’s advocate. Higher level boxers are able to roll with punches, right?

Ok, rolling with punches is what us boxers do when we have NO other choice, and we certainly don’t enjoy it or advocata it as a guiding principle, why? because more often than not, IT DOESN’T WORK !!
Especially for body shots.

This was one of the problems I had with Systema. There did not seem to be too much aggression. As I also mentioned, I don’t like the thought of intentionally having the knife get close enough in order to do the whole “body rolling” thing. On the other hand, it was by far one of the most dynamic systems of knife defense I have seen and one of the best against my limited knowledge. I think I got to the Systema guy about 2/3 of the time, which I think would be much better odds than normal.

The system isn’t crap, but I choose to spend my time training in other ways. Also the online videos are crazy. In my opinion they look like bullshido and should be taken down if you want some respect. The whole heart stopping beyond the physical stuff is just nuts, although doing the exercises with the Systema guys, I could see how the people were moving in the videos and how it applied to our exercises.

All in all, it has a reputation much worse than it should.

Says the eunuch in the haram . . .


  1. Do Systema practitioners advocate this as a guiding principle, or is it simply a closed drill?

  2. Do you think that there is room for improvement on the way that boxers roll with punches?

I could maybe answer a bit of the first question. With knife defenses, it was shown to me to take the knife flat against the body by rolling, then turn the body to break the opponent’s balance.

I don’t think you need to be an expert to know this stuff no workies.

Sweet jesus…

I mean, I know it’s just “instructional”.

But IF Systema is actually good,

why in the fyck’s name do they “show” “it” “off” in videos like these…

I could EASILY make a more credible MA vid with 2 people + a camera.

what in the flying fuck is this pile of crap

Yes, why you ask?

Why do you ask? Can’t you recognize carefully practiced choreography of a
bunch of drunkards attacking one dude done at 1/2 speed. :frowning:
I’ve just never seen a video of these guys where everyone doesn’t appear
lethargic, and releasing a video like this to show off the style seems counterintuitive.

Does it work, does it look like the videos only sped up? How would you describe it?

The thing is guys you’re all being a bunch of armchair video watching critques. I can dismantle so many things in video that’s what a lot of traditionalist did when UFC came out “oh, that shot sucked, the padding was this, well if they allowed this I would’ve don this”. I shake my head at some of your comments.

As for real life without setting up the long scenerio, it worked and didn’t work. I saw one of my guys get completely pummeled by a systema guy as I laughed my ass off. The systema guy had been practicing for a little over a year and some prior experiance in other styles, my guy had about 10 months experiance and a loud mouth. This was a college friend of his and I thought it would be poetic justice to let them go at it.

As for an actual trained fighter we’re looking at a different scenerio when the systema guy went against the fully trained fighter it wasn’t much of a match. As a matter of fact the full trained fighter almost sent the kid to the hospital because the systema guy side kicked him in the knee.

So does systema have a bit of validity, yes against less trained fighters, who knows what the more experianced systema practitioners can do. Do I buy into systema, no too far fetched in many of the ideas and too conceptually based.


So why so the fucking videos still look like…



At least for me, video is most likely going to be the only way I can experience Systema. There’s no Systema schools on LI that I know of. The Systema seminar in NYC is around $300.00, a little to much for me to see if it’s BS or not, spectators are $90.00 a day for 2 days. While I haven’t commented much I am very curious about the system and the claims of the practictioners.