Systema h2h video clip, yah it's garbage

Check it out for yourself.

Click on the Systema Hand to Hand (6.86mb) link.

I especially enjoyed the how the russian founder handled the ‘mass attack,’ no wonder his instructor died. :neutral:

Click on the Moscow 2003 (4.94mb) clip and be prepared for pure comedy.

(shakes head) In the 20 odd years I’ve been in the martial arts, that is by far the worst and most obviously rehearsed video I have ever seen.

Has ANYONE ever seen systema done at full speed aginst a trained fighter?

Nope, fortunately we know what happens when a certified instructor uses his skills under lethal conditions, he ends up a corpse.

I’ve seen drunken russian hooligans fighting, if that counts…

Thank you.

Why is it that we have an endless supply of anti-Systema people on, yet not a single one has shown up at a school and challenged someone? People here seem pretty certain that it doesn’t work. Yet no one has contributed anything more than words to the argument. If Systema is bullshit, then get it on record. If their training is as lacking as everyone says, then it should be easy to take care of business.

I’m sure someone will come up with an excuse for those videos.

There were systema guys at the UK Throwdown 2 as far as I remember.

I only saw the short clip with the systema guy vs. the judoka – not enough to form an opinion. But Mr. McFu, who trains in a manner consistent with the popular view on this site, stated that there was something to Systema. Hang on, I’ll ask him to comment . . .

In the meantime, please note that this is the only actual evidence that we have. The rest is conjecture, which is not up to the standards of this site, IMO.

I ask each time in these threads for some videos done
at even 3/4 speed. Somehow I don’t doubt that the
instructors know how to fight, but it sure doesn’t shine
through on any systema video I have seen. It looks
hokey where pitty-patty pushoffs send someone sprawling
to the ground, or one guy is attacked by 2 or 3 people
in super-slomo. How can they come up with excuses
for these?

These are all valid questions. But they are not enough to form an conclusion.

The point I’m trying to make is that the proof is in the pudding. So far, no one is willing to eat pudding.

Here is one of the issues i have with the whole" body rolling" thing, at best, all you can do is react to an opponents strikes, and THAT means you will always be a step behind, get the pic?

You could make the same argument about a defensive judoka. If they’re just taught to roll without offering any counters, then I dunno. But if they are using those skills to offset an opponent for a strike or throw, then it certainly makes sense.

WTF you talking about?
There is a differenc in NOT resisting a slow moving technique like a throw as oppose to a move going at 40mph like a strike.

Especially when seen in the context of training against an unseen attack, such as in a crowd or being blind-sided. In other cirucmstances it might be best to pre-empt or whatever else is appropriate.

What about boxers who roll with punches?

I have travelled to the Throwdown and unfortunately that has not put the trolls o bed. I am quite happy for people to turn up and report back. Unlike the majority of people on this forum Myself and the other Systema instructors seem to be happy posting under their real names and are happy for people to turn up to test them out.

Paul Genge
Russian Martial Arts Northwest (UK)