Systema explained

Something we can agree on.

Does the first video in McClaw’s response resemble your training?
If so, you need to seriously reconsider your choice of training, especially if your going for the whole unrealistic SD scenarios, like jumping out of fucking planes and taking on squads of gunmen.

Reality check: Your delusional if you believe systema will protect you and your family from ill-doers!

GET A CLUE! And preferably before you get yourself killed.

Nope, instead students are taught the Systema Bounce ™.

OK, one last thought on all of this.

When I was in the Army (yes, on OUR side) we discussed the Russians alot. This style, even the name, NEVER came up. Yes, it was long ago (very early 70’s), but not THAT long ago.

I am a long time Batman comic fan, been reading for years. One of Batman’s foes in the 80’s was called “The KGBeast” who used “The system.” As I recall another character did as well.

It wasn’t until after that we heard all of this stuff about “Systema.”

With video evidence of exactly what they do, its beyond me why this is still out there.

Holy shit, Mark Tripp on Bullshido… I remember the Judo/Sambo forum on the UG when you were there…

Me too…

good to see Mark on here!

For those that don’t know Mark has a ton of knowledge. Hopefully he’ll share some on this board.

Pssssst…go see his newbietown thread.

It is already being taken care of.

Okay, fine.

First off, Spetznaz is an obvious troll who managed to get some of your singlets in a bunch. Great work! I mean come on here - jumping out of an airplane, chuteless, with a PLF only to break your fall? I would be proud to be part of a martial discipline which manages to surpass the bullshit levels enjoyed in, say, Oom Young Do. Alas, I do not.

(By the way, I’m working on a technique to survive re-entry from orbit naked, drenched in Vodka. It involves a very special roll. As an added bonus, I plan on identifying and slamming into a group of attackers from space, taking them out bowling ball style. I have already started conditioning my corneas by looking through a telescope backwards.)

Since I’ve done enough pendantic blithering about systema, I’m not going to bother with my typical apoligism. I’ve done it to death and become weary of arguing with you gaggle of dumb jocks and emo weeaboos.

See, it’s totally possible!

Goon, you seem a little stressed mate…

Sit down, take a load off, have some Vodka…

Hey, you’d be stressed too if you had to complete a re-entry from low earth orbit, NAKED, slathered in vodka with the intent on landing in a group of attackers and taking them all out at once, bowling ball style!

Oh wait, I forgot, you’ve got those bendy swords! Well, not me! I deal with my shit like a real man, unlike you!

First off, Spetznaz is an obvious troll who managed to get some of your singlets in a bunch.

A troll who writes as much crap as Spetznatz did deserves some sort of response. A lot of trolls are lazy and they only try to mess with small forums that only have a core group of really dumb members.

I don’t know, it seemed to me like a cut-and-paste job with that airplane bit tossed in, (which gave him dead away.)

^Enormous reply delay.

Well it seems that all martial arts are ripped to pieces and suck according to everyone on these forums. Whats left? Whats the best all round technique seeming everything is bullshido?

It’s all of systema, but I doubt you actually practice it.

Its probably best NOT to assume everyone on here has NO systema experience.

I would suggest you do some reading before posting anymore.
(there’s plenty of good threads on ‘Alive training’ & the whole ‘Sport vs Street’ debate)