Superdud likes teh pen0r

i know someone who know’s painter. he told me that painter is best skilled at producing a persona that will make the retarded give him their money. he said that painter openly explained this to him. painter is a mediocre martial artist and teacher from what i understand and mostly preys on asianophiles. good for him, fuck em all.

You are an idiot, please do not crap up the main thread in MABS.

Bagua bodyguard, stuntman, cop etc. Dr John Painter PhD, ND - No BS Martial Arts
Original Thread.

"I know someone who knows Painter who said"doesn’t belong in MABS.

I know someone who know your mom and he said she deepthroats after anal.

Why haven’t i been introduced to this woman?

Because when you take the woman you have to put up with her kid aswell.

Does that mean the Tharuz has actually done something benevolent?


im totally serious. look on his website. i know dave briggs. he teaches tai chi and self defense classes at a community college in southeastern pa. he’s gone to texas to train with painter and this is what he has told me about painter. damn, do all you bullshido mods have small dicks, or is it just you?


In your original post you did not provide the source of your information. “A friend told me that he sucks” is very vague and means nothing. Can you get David Briggs to register on Bullshido and repeat this evaluation? Then you will be building a case in regards to Mr. Painter.

i’ll try, i havent talked to him in over a year. he seemed to be friendly with painter though so it is unlikely he would publicly dis him.

but anyways you didnt deny it so it must be true that you got a small dick hahahaha.

So,not only is it a case of “i know someone ,who knows this guy…” but its actually a case of “i know someone,who knows this guy, that i spoke to over a year ago…” followed up by a bit of name calling!??

Ah, asshopper you do not know the way of Bullshido.

If I make an assertion I need to provide proof.

There are certain things I’m not posting pictures of on the internet.

While you have provided copious evidence of your own idiocy.

Now please call the guy and try to get some proof for a change. If he says publicly that he never told you those things it does not help your case.

ok simmer down now, its obvious this painter guy is a total douche. you dont need anyone to verify that. even if i convince mr briggs to post on this gay forum its not going make painter appear as more of a douche than he already does appear to be. so what is the question that needs to be settled in regards to john painter? lineage, experience? maybe i can help you get in contact with him.

what are you afraid of? i upload pictures of my junk onto craigslist everyday.

that’s right:eusa_danc

fail fagg is fail

you guys are soooo mature

can i at least get a shitload of red varrots?

Bitching about rep. ban plz

also, a shitload of red varrots is reserved for cool people like the questio and cripples like angryspastic.

You have your share of trolling to do.