Superbowl™ possibly delayed?

CHICAGO (AP) – Chicago Bears football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Lovie Smith immediately suspended practice while police and federal investigators were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to the players was the goal line. Practice resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again…

Yell! Scream! Go Horse!


Is this about that game where you Yanks put on a shitload of body armour to play Rugby?

Come on! It’s like TKD and hogu.

Kinda, except the players hit through each other instead of hold and drag. That and the players are more specialized in their roles.

So again, more striking as opposed to our grappling, we win again. And specialised, like ninjers and dim mak specialists?

This game really is LARP Rugby.

Bah. All I care about is the drama and publicity we generate over fighting to make an ad the network will accept each year. I hate all of the extra customers and work it gives me.

P.S. KP that is the most disturbing Avatar ever.

Nunonbreak, can we have Edgerrin James back…please.

Yes, but you must take the rest of the team as well.


Yup. Remember, In this country we make retarded people wear helmuts when they go outdoors. Oh my God there’s white powder on a sports field, someone tell those guys to get off their knees and quit tring to snort the baselines.

I thought this was going to be about snowfall. :happy6:

Go Bears!

why are so many non-USA residence posting here…I was hoping this would start some shit with SamuraiSteve, Lama_XY, and other Chicago Bullshidoka.

Also, why was this moved to Trollshido? You could have at least waited until next monday!

In Miami?!

Eat me!


tee hee

I think it’s funny when rugby fans make fun of football for all the protective gear the players wear. I’d bet money football players take more injuries than rugby players, even with all the gear.

I am still trying to figure out why this got moved to trollshido…I bet a fucking canadian did it.

Probably because it’s more appropriate for Sociocide.

Dunno, but LLL is the partying, women chasing, chemicals, and style forum. Sports go in CTC on Sociocide until we get enough interest in a dedicated sports forum.