Study, anxiety reduced by exercise

Because they are lazy, overweight, and unmotivated, which is also the cause of America’s fat people problem, heart disease problem, drug abuse problem, mental health problem, and a million other problems. Exercise solves all of these.

In my youth if you couldn’t handle at least 40/40 lb farmers carry, you were considered weak. In my old age, if you can handle half that you’re probably in better shape than most people you meet.

Which is fucking pathetic, and a lot of these same people take martial arts classes to feed their delusion that it’s not the grease they inject into their diet daily, but the need to master that side kick or break that really thin, weak wooden board to impress toddlers and tweens.

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I think your statement is kind of why people get left behind when it comes to fitness.


unhealthy leche piles are full of excuses all the time?

Sounds about right to me.

You basically summed up the problem.

“You can have results or excuses. Not both”. - Arnold Schwarzenegger