Someone is suggesting by email my girlfriend might be a victim of human traffiking

And might be in 90000 $ debts to some big ghana mamma. I don’t think it’s true but JUST IN CASE it’s true, do you think Nigerian/Ghanaian women trafikers are dangerous?

Ban plz.

It is Ashida kim. I am ITK.

You are a cock. (damn it I keep feeding this twat…doh I mean troll

you forgot to end your parantheses…

Human Trafficking?

You must save her. Save her.


Why are you still here?

Several oily drug dealers are showing little pellets cocaine in her and making her take long flights. And then they’re going to sell her into slavery. Think of the children! Think of the children!

how much is she?

YFIL = You Fail in Life

This thread is dumb, and I can therefore conclude that the original poster is a dum-dum.

ban plz. check the OP’s posting history and you’ll know why.

You aren’t by chance Dutch?

germany oooooooooooooo

I already bought her. The shipping was a bitch but I see it as a long term investment.

I just chatted with this email guy. He believes in juju so i blocked him what the hell

BB, not only does God hate you, but Buddha wants to kick your ass.