Ninja: Ressurection. Fo’shizzle.
For comedy, I would recommend:
Law of Ueki (this really for kids, but it’s still a riot)
Kekkaishi (But for some reason, the story never really got going. Like what the fuck?)
Are popular anime that still manage to attract attention. Although Naruto Shipuuden has proven to be the worst anime incarnation of a decent Manga.
They fucked up Inuyasha by not writing an Anime only ending. Everyone is left wanting now. Those bastards.
I actually tried watching Inuyasha and gave up on it, Christ, what drivel…now, Tenjo Tenghe, that one I liked. I mean, it had cameos by Sakuraba and Dan Insanoto, for crying out loud!
Bleach is aight. If I ever did cosplaying, I want a Quincy suit…white cape FTW!
I’m not really a huge fan of the Old Shit.
Ninja Resurrection has the old school Ninja Schroll look, despite being made 5 years later.
Basilisk is the best anime with Ninja as central characters. Also, it has that modern look. Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.
If you want another flick with similar style, but with that modern look I keep going on about, check out
Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
Also, do not watch
no matter what anyone says. Just don’t do it, man.
Fuck, I didn’t mention Tenjho Tenge? I loved that shit. Amazing.
I’ve been told I look like Bob Makihara, by the way.
And yes, since you’re a skinny, dorky motherfucker, you can rock the Quincy cape with the glasses.
Also, I didn’t notice the cameos by Inosanto and Sakuraba? Which characters were they playing?
The Question’s pyjamas:
You’ve wasted your chance with me, Lily. Now go masturbate with an icepick.
My work here is done.