So my friend is having a meltdown...

… I was rung up by the friend Omega’s Bitch claims he can beat (again, a source of much lulz, but that is for another topic).

He proceeded to tell me that the girl at his local subway had given him a false phone number because “people do that to us disabled” (no, if you stop going for low class creepy skanks, ye shall not reap what ye sow, Christian. Also allocate some of thine budget to nice clothes and for fuck’s sake go to socialisation classes)

It then degenerated into a rather pointless argument about the fact that I had thrown him and pinned him when he went to grab me and I lost my temper. He can’t accept that at 74kg I had him pinned and held vs his 130kg because I have a lot of “red” muscle. He also has never apparently heard of “power to weight ratio”.

It then proceeds to more “I have more weight, I is stronger now, yes?” from him. I explain that if that weight is fat, then no, you are NOT stronger. It needs to be muscle tissue and I am now 91kg with no body fat to speak of.

I need to hatch a plan to get that fucker into a suit and nice shoes and out of his flat. Plus the letter HE could get from his GP would help him out although he has the good sense to call the cops on the vicious little wiggas in his suburb.

Don’t worry Toby… your friend is imaginary, so, you know… tell your therapist about it and he’ll probably prescribe you something stronger.
Like bleach.
Or a self-induced shotgun wound.

Good luck.

^I didn’t mean the thing about good luck. If I’m honest, I wanted to write something about you getting a handler that likes to ass-ram you while you’re sedated, but I thought I should probably sign off with something positive.

Also, LOL at you being allowed out without being strapped to a board like Hannibal Lecter.

hiz pulse nevar went abuv 85, evin when he aet teh paint chipz az a kid

Given that you know nothing about the modern mental health system, I’ll fill you in:

If I WERE that dangerous, I would stand none and Buckley’s chance of EVER appearing in public. Psychiatrists do not let violent psychotics into the community. Just can’t happen. That’s what Maximum Security wings are for.

If you’re that eager to learn about disability, I will happily introduce you to my boot until you haemmorage on the brain. That way we can yarn about being disabled together and the fraternity grows.

lol, who’s taken over A_S’s account?

Reading your incessant stream of maudlin, self-obsessed cock-toss posts is more likely to give me a haemorrhage on the brain than anything you could manage, dickhead.

Are you past the stage where you daub shit on your walls when they don’t give you enough attention?

This is why your handlers allow you on the 'net, isn’t it? It saves them from having to clean " nolovemaketobysad " on the walls.


Good job.

If you’re that eager to learn about attention-whoring
I fixed that to reflect the only thing you are definitely a expert in.

It’s a shame they outlawed lead in paint in Australia before Toby was born.
Permanent vegetative state has a real ring of allure when applied to Tobes.

I’m confused as to why this thread hasn’t been moved to its rightful place yet ?


I like Bleach, man.


Yeah… how about drinking a fucking bottle and do us the favour of not posting again.

Is that cartoon girl wearing g-string underwear on her chest?

I dont think thats even physically possible!

Oh, well, better than that Gilligan-looking boy from your last avatar…

Stop encouraging that fucker to do anything other than kill him self.

So how is everybody doing today?

Oh, we’re just making fun of this retard kid. He’s in a wheelchair and threatening to kick our asses.

Spastic is the reason I support eugenics.

Spastic is the reason I support post-pardum abortion.

Spastic is the reason I support randomly kicking pregnant woman in the stomach

Spastic is the reason I support gay marriage…

that, and I think Justin Tiberlake is hot!

I’m sorry I’m lost here

But when did everyone decide we were going to use sambo pics as avatars?

Fuck the other guy. A conversation about my nuts itching has more merit.
He needs to either go with what I’m sure his first thought was,“blow him and get it over with” or do what everyone else would like and STFU with dumbass posts.

He needs to post this shit on the Maury Povich message board. ‘Ghey love interventions’