so how come no one uses kung fu in UFC

i know some did in early times in UFC but then they stoped comin what gives ??

Good job

for what?

Because they got the shit kicked out of them.


What did you think the reason was, they were too deadly?

man im learning kung fu and i wana join the UFC some day should i leve ??

Trolley Mctrollster or 13yr old boy from rural Minnesota ? either way…my brain still bleeds.

Summer Trollin… had me a blast!
Summer Trollin, got me banned fast!

Not to smite Minnesota mind you, I know for a fact that things get real slutty in Minneapolis in the winter. The heat their beds using the buddy system…!

i wouldn’t applaud the Minnesota buddy system.

it resulted in sexy pizza.

If by ‘leve’ you mean leave, the answer is yes. If you mean ‘live’, the answer is no.

lol so thats how you spell it

Clearly English is not your first langauge. I’ll let that slide.

Nobody uses Kung Fu because it largely doesn’t work. Maybe there’s a guy here and there that uses a KF technique or two, but that’s a rarity. Why use something that sucks?

I can’t believe I just responded seriously to this thread.

What do you mean no kung fu in UFC? Didn’t you know Tim Sylvia is really a shaolin monk?

Militech Fighting Systems T-shirt:

MFS: You Kung Fu Has No Place Here

thanks thats all i wanted to know and thanks for not getting angry at me

Maybe if you had read, like, any thread at all on Kung Fu here you’d have found this out for yourself instead of looking like an ass and posting a pointless thread about a dead topic, and with a useless first post to boot.

Stikkitoem kwoww!!

lol you all hate me