Ever wondered if you were a godamned faggot? Ever spent sleepless nights wondering why you thought Sean Connery looked so freaking nice? Ever wondered if you were actually homosexual? Well, take this simple quiz and you will find out. It works for girls too, even though we all know that there are no girls on the internets.
What is your sex? And by sex I mean : do you have a penis or a vagina?
I’m a boy (I have a penis). But sometimes I act like a sandy vag
I’m a girl (I have a vagina).
I’m an hermaphrodite (I kind of have a penis and a vagina).
Do you prefer boys or girls? And by prefer I mean : would you rather have sex/marry/spend your life with a boy or a girl?
I prefer boys.
I prefer girls.
I prefer hermaphrodites.
I like old people
None, I prefer to be alone.
Are you single?
Yeah, I am.
No, I have a girlfriend.
I have a boyfriend actually.
I’m with myself.
Just for fun, do you think you’re gay or not?
I believe I’m gay.
I think I may be a lesbian.
Nope, I’m not.
Hard to say, I’m hermaphrodite.
I said I like to be alone.
I am an EMO prick.
My name is Lebell
some month ago i was talking about licking pussy with my friends and i told them quite honestly i dont like the idea.
they said it can be really horny to do etc.
so after thinking about it i thought why not.
my neighbour downstairs has a pussy.
so i licked it and it started hissing and scratching.
i was bleeding like a pig.
and whats with all the hair anyway?
Bill,i know this silly joke about the questionaire.
you ask someone to rate sexual acts, example: