Shen Lung Yi aka Ian Prescott Top Secret Investigation Thread!

Do we know if Yiquan has any sort of credentials? That may help to work into the article.

This guy is still ripping people off. It’s wrong.

Ian is no longer a registered user on ebay. I bet he got shit canned when people were angry at his taking money and not giving them the products he order to them.

His website is down as well.

I think the piece of shit is gone.

Ding dong the dick is dead…


Im so hoping he is done with pretending to be anything other than the asshole he is.


Yeah, Ian is toast.

Must now turn to the next victim. Master Brian Gray, another dufuss who claims to be qualified and refuses to give credentials.

You know, part of the problem is the media, they’ll take money for ad space, and they don’t care what the fuck.


Yeah Big bad Im going to sue Ian Prescott is toast.

I bet the ebay bigwigs nipped his ass good.

Hoping the little stick will learn is doesnt pay to lie and cheat your way through life.

And The definitive Brian Gray article is on the way.

stay tuned

Keep an eye out. I think this is the second time his account has been suspended.

He makes enough money that they may reactivate his account.

Brian Gray (The IP guy right?) he survived the trial? Wow, I thought that shit would screw him over.

Yeah, he was found “Not Guilty” on the child molesting.

I don’t think he’ll do as well on his IP claims. He’s craptacular.