Shen Lung Yi aka Ian Prescott Top Secret Investigation Thread!

Okay. Let’s start getting this thing together.

LamaXY, has a decent email and then the admission that Ian didnt know that the site material was Master Choi’s. What a putz.

Still no word from the little stick.

Love the ebay ninja nutrider stuff.

I don’t think he will respond, since he hasn’t already.

If we can get a good objective article written, Honeybadger has a media contact in Scranton to publish the story.

Does this guy actually have a school? or is it all long distance learning?

He teaches classes all over. Ill go to his site and copy all that and post it here.

He does teach as well as sell the secrets for 19.95 or in his case its 25.00 to start training today.

He has no balls as well as no spine. A real teacher would not lurk and hide but step up and be heard.

he goes to the Zheng San Feng Festival in PA. I would love to go but I would just kill him and then I would need your services badly.

What is Zheng San Feng Festival? Where is it?

You know, I’ve stopped people from killing other people before.

Its an neijia festival… internal arts. My bagua teacher teaches many seminars there.

Get to see different people.s

And in Ians case get more skills to call his own and then market…

Hmmm. Too many witnesses there.

I’m going to Scranton this weekend. I’ll scope out his location but I don’t plan on going in or confronting Mr. Prescott.

Not this time, anyway. I’ll be back in Scranton over the Thanksgiving weekend.

HB - I’ll be in the neighborhood soon, don’t know when, my cousin died, so I’ll be getting in there for a funeral.

Okay, “Chunfa Tom” posted this in the other thread:

I don’t know if this was shown already. Earlier in the thread Ronin said that Ian Prescott never calls himself an instructor. Here is his ad on “Have Blackbelt will Travel”. Sorry if this was already posted.

That fucking little stick of a boy does Security and Bodyguard work? He is smoking crack if he thinks he could protect his own ass.


His mission statement on his site says his system is effective for self defense. I doubt he’ll be willing to put that claim to the test either.

He is known to me. Ian recently went to meet up with Paul Dillion in Iowa. Before that he was teaching just Xing Yi Chuan. After going to some seminars, and acquiring of video tapes. Which he sold under the Ebay seller of the same name and address. He began to teach Water Boxing which is another way of saying Liu He Ba Fa which is one hell of a neijia style to start to teach after watching a few vids and getting some sem hours in. I wonder if Dillion knows this zero is an instant Sifu of Water Boxing after returning from the wilds of Iowa. He also totally plagirized almost word for word the liu he ba fa information from Sifu Wai Lun Choi’s site. He is a scumpig who deserves to be outed and tarred and feathered as he fraud he is.

A few years ago Ian had posted these rather silly demo clips of him performing Xing Yi. They were taken down very quickly. My xing yi friends laughed hard enough to excrete a little pee when they saw them. Sorry I dont have them downloaded. He made mention of some master that had died in an auto accident, that tale used to be on the site as well. But the new and improved site has none of that other than he can teach any and all of his curriculum via distance learning.

Ian seems to have a Green Dragon streak and wanting to collect and teach all these forms and systems that he has not a clue about.

I want to see all these teachers or him teach anything they claim to have the ability to teach. It obvious he is a video master of nothing but his own drivel.

For the Public Record: I will take on all of his so-called Teaching staff, or just Ian the stickboy himself. He can teach all these great systems. He should be able to handle one lone man, you think?

Time for the neijia master to pony up? Or go eat more of Ashida’s poop.

This is from the public thread. Jus wanted to bring over some of this stuff.

<!-- / message –><!-- sig –>

[size=3]Everything we teach has internal energy cultivation as well as
external expression. This means that we use Authentic meditation
techniques that cultivate and strengthen your internal power which
you learn to channel through your body as you strike.

Gung Fu, also known as Kung fu and wushu, is more than just a
system of fighting. This view only serves to limit the system to a
barbaric method of manipulation and war arts. The arts of gung fu can
be seen as arts for life as they contain many concepts and philosophies
that translate to all aspects of life. If we look into the words gung and
fu, we see that gung means energy and fu means time. Thus anything
that takes energy added with time and has a goal to be achieved, can
be seen as gung fu.

Gung Fu is truly hard work. There are NO shortcuts. The only way to
become an expert at martial arts is to practice practice practice.
Beware those who would make you a master overnight! Be wary of
those who promise you immortality through video. If something
sounds to good to be true, then it probably is!!!

When fear is removed, the arrogance of uncertainty is dispelled, and
it is no longer necessary to prove yourself in any form of physical
combat. Knowing oneself better gives us better insight to knowing
others. This helps us to live happier, longer, and stress free lives with
nothing to prove. Self-respect, confidence and a duty to serve others
shows an accomplished attitude toward mental, physical, and spiritual

One who excels as a warrior
does not appear formidable.

One who excels in fighting
is never aroused in anger.

One who excels in defeating his enemies
does not join issues.

One who excels in employing others
humbles himself before them.

This is the virtue of non contention matching the sublimity of heaven.

We now are offering on-line kung fu training. This is certainly going
to be the best online training you have seen. We have traditional
authentic forms including unarmed and weapons, powerful
meditations, self defense techniques, and much much more. We offer
testing with all of our home study kung fu video training and online
training. You have seen the rest, now experience the best in online

This is taken from his site about Gung Fu. Love how he says after the fear is gone you dont have to resort to physical skills.


He used to sell Jerry Alan Johnson, Gerald Sharp, and Mike Patterson tapes. Well, his account was suspended and now he only sells the Doo Wai stuff and herbal medicine.

Wow, this guy is into everything

Also notice he changed the name of his school.

This is cached on google.

Silver Star Gung Fu Academy
153 South Main Avenue, Scranton, PA 18504
Tel: 570.961.3254
Contact: Sifu Ian Prescott

This is his current school:

Shen Lung Yi Internal Martial Arts
Wing Chun, Xing yi (Hsing i), Ba gua (Pa Kua), tai chi (Tai ji), Liu he ba fa, Chi kung (Qi Gong)
153 South Main Ave
Scranton, Pa 18504
Shifu Ian Prescott

This is off of Ashida Kim’s website

Shen Lung Yi Martial Arts(570)961-3254
Owner/Chief Instructor: Ian Prescott Scranton,
Pa Xing yi quan, Ba gua, Tai chi, Liu He Ba Fa, Koga Ninjitsu, Esoteric Qi gong, Private Security/Bodyguard experience and consultation, self defense, fitness, and weapons.

I’m also wondering about this school listed back on 2003

Prescott’s Academy of Wing Chun
1514 Brentwood Dr., Columbia, SC 29206
Tel: (803) 790-4053
Contact: Ian Prescott
Notes: Private lessons available. Trained in both Traditional as well as modified Wing Chun.

I’m wondering because the EC link:

Shows that he claims to teach Wing Chun.

Also he signed a guest book that states this:

Name: Shifu Ian Prescott
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Interesting site. I used to teach in Cola, SC about 10 years ago. Good luck!!!
Wednesday, June 1st 2005 - 03:00:28 PM

Also, he has a dubious connection with the infamous Jim Lacy of Mew Hing.
Shifu Ian Prescott

Here is a link to a discussion where his name appeared

<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=10 width=140 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right background=;[size=2][size=2][size=2][b]Wvox Stats[/b][/size]

Vox ID: 189815

Clergy Id: 5317

Posted: Mar.31.2005

Views 225
Pagan Clergy

[size=2]Sifu Ian Prescott

Located in: Scranton, Pennsylvania

Clergy Profile: Legally ordained and licesensed Minister. Have performed several ceremonies over the past 4 years. We offer handfasting ceremonies, commitment ceremonies, memorial rites, spiritual counseling, as well as rites of “baptism”.

Rates: Call for rates

Not only is he a licensed and ordained Minister, another tid bit to look into, he cannot spell for a damn.

I called him Wiccan and he said no, Reiki Master, Ordained minister, Shifu of nothing.

He just doesnt stop with the bull shit does he?

These are the listings that Ian has out in a local paper to advertise his non-physical challenging kung fu classes.

Adult Kung Fu and Martial Arts, ongoing classes Su-Th. Classes cover realistic self-defense, forms, weapons, sparring, and theories. Shen Lung Yi Martial Arts, Scranton, 961-3254.

Tai Chi/Chi Kung, Tuesdays. Experience a deeper connection with your chi energy through exercises that have been the mainstay of Chinese health for millennia. Paul Kurlancheek, MS, Instructor. Everything Natural, Clarks Summit, 586-9684. Eight weeks/$80

Tai Chi group forming. Saturday mornings, Shen Lung Yi Martial Arts Going over Tai Chi over the coming weeks at Lake Scranton. Beginners and experienced, young and elderly welcome. 961-3254

How can his advertised realistic self-defence skills be realistic if the little stick does not believe in physically proving he has any skills against me or anyone else as written on his website. Seem to be a major contradiction.

What do you think?

He’s shaping up to be a big douche bag. The Water boxing deal that lama_xy pointed out is very telling. This guy watches a video tape and he believes he is instantly qualified to teach an art, and claim it is effective for self defense.

I put my mother on the task of finding out what she can, since she is in the area and has her tai chi teacher who is out of William C Chen’s group. When she reports back I’ll update here. Anyway, she had never heard of the guy, but this is not suprising.

I ended up on the wrong end of Main Ave this weekend so I didn’t scope out his storefront, but I did reintroduce myself to the Lackawanna County DA at a fundraiser this weekend. If we find out that Mr. Prescott is doing anything blatantly illegal, I may be able to talk to Mr. Jarbola about it. Can’t promise anything, but it might be a good connection.