See here. Our current President is an amorous, narcistic, self-indulgent sack of ****

See here.

Our current President is an amorous, narcistic, self-indulgent sack of shit. Yet, saying so, I for one, support his policies. For the most part, not in entirety.

Your group put up a candidate as the next successor of your party. She was every bit if not more corrupt than our current, elected by our Constitutional Electorial system LOSER. I understand yer’s and her’s panties are in a wad. The POPULIST vote won.

You lost. We’ll live to fight another day. Nancy has guaranteed so.

Suck It up buttercup. Tomorrow is another day.

[QUOTE=Christmas Spirit;3008283]You brought all this up in your defensiveness on your Trump vote. I was just reporting the news and offering insight based on your commentary on silencers.[/QUOTE]


You made it political. Thread derail is on you. More work. Get busy.

pruned from

you were saying?

Trump is Batman.

[QUOTE=Nutcracker, sweet;3008291]Trump is Batman.[/QUOTE]

By the powers vested in me, I will allow it.


[QUOTE=Christmas Spirit;3008293]also:

in that guttural raspy voice

fucking awesome, I’m in tears over my own fucking joke


Looks over at odd noise. Doc sucking dick once again. Good dog.

True happening. Little guy will happily take hits from encroaching skunks to protect his own.

Picture miniature Chewbaca.

[QUOTE=Christmas Spirit;3008292]By the powers vested in me, I will allow it.[/QUOTE]

Cunt, ugliest version of.

[QUOTE=anthracite;3008296]Looks over at odd noise. Doc sucking dick once again. Good dog.

True happening. Little guy will happily take hits from encroaching skunks to protect his own.

Picture miniature Chewbaca.[/QUOTE]

  • blah blah irony and “jokes literally write themselves” followed by, “art imitating life”, with a closer about something like “dogs taking after their owners”…*

I still love you tho Joe.


Which I don’t like as much cause that would make you a Mooch… ������

[QUOTE=Nutcracker, sweet;3008291]Trump is Batman.[/QUOTE]

I always knew that Batman was a bit iffy. I mean there is the whole Robin thing. Rich man takes in an underage boy, dresses him in tights, smacks him around, puts him in harms way and after a while said young boy dies a horrific death. Seriously if that happened with anywhere near the same frequency in real life, the guy would be on the FBI’s prime suspect list as a Sado-Sexual serial killer. Of course said billionaire would then be screaming witch hunt and illegal investigation in the press I guess. So yeah I see the Trump=Batman thing.

insert Batman and Rubbin meme here

[QUOTE=Nutcracker, sweet;3008291]Trump is Batman.[/QUOTE]

Trump is this dude:


[QUOTE=Nutcracker, sweet;3008291]Trump is Fatman.[/QUOTE]




My first new thread in awhile. Who’se responsible?

I’ve run out of whisky and whiskey. Will coffee infused rum make the cut?

Please be it BFM. Irony.


Y’all all wish ye had my dog’s talent. Don’t lie.

Baby Jebesus, I should quit this place.

No Collusion, I don’t even know who you are, Mr Stripminer.