Looks like the greatest martial artist alive has been accused (again) of being a naughty boy…
I’m surprised there aren’t more coming forward, to be honest.
I reckon they are all gold diggers - the Master of Ki would never stoop so low. He was probably trying to spread his Ki…
The undisputed master of the no touch orgasm
The man is a legend. He is Ki-tastic
[QUOTE=scipio;2965734]Looks like the greatest martial artist alive has been accused (again) of being a naughty boy…
The story from the live in housekeeper, you know the one about him and his wife(girlfriend?) drugging the house keeper with ecstasy and other drugs then putting clumsy moves on her? That story was weird.
I can’t find that story …
but here are three or four more about Seagal being a lil bit rapy … some could even say it shows a clear pattern of rapy behavior.
Wonder how this dude is still having fans.
[QUOTE=dhkim030203;2970476]Wonder how this dude is still having fans.[/QUOTE]
I think his largest fan base is now outside of the United States and they may not be active English language newsreaders.
Looks like the worlds greatest martial artist has a few more detractors come forward.
He know what hes doing.
Even with the me too movement, I can see Segal just fading out until this disappears. Same has he’s done with previous allegations, unfortunately.
[QUOTE=mrtnira;2971256]I think his largest fan base is now outside of the United States and they may not be active English language newsreaders.[/QUOTE]
I think a while back Seagal was listed as the favorite action star among the Latino community. Most people here in my country are shocked when I tell them he is a big, fat fraud. As is most of aikido. My wife still refuses to believe it, but that is just standard marriage OP.