“Anytime force is used there will be repercussions and CQD employs only what is required to accomplish defensive goals.” “Measured Use Of Force” in the S.W.A.T. magazine article
[b]The new CFC COI is 5 days of full contact CQD training…Students will learn their personal capabilities and limitations through real contact…Topics covered are:
A. Use of Force
B. Rules of engagement
C. Direct Defense Skills
D. Weapon and Zone control
E. Prisoner Control
F. Operation Physical Training[/b] NSWC document
S.W.A.T. Magazine? My GOD, you are a pimply-faced, over-weight jock sniffer. You’re not a SEAL, Ranger, Delta, S.W.A.T., Green Beret, Mossad, Interpol, CIA, NSA operator. You’re a fanboy, fanboy. Buy an felt pennant that says “The Military” and shut the fuck up.
December 8, 2004, 8:43pm
They managed to capture someone? Clearly they are NOT using SCARS. Everyone knows it’s impossible to find anyone alive after SCARS has been applied.
Typical prophaghanda that aims to disprove the lethality of the style.
They managed to capture someone? Clearly they are NOT using SCARS. Everyone knows it’s impossible to find anyone alive after SCARS has been applied.
Typical prophaghanda that aims to disprove the lethality of the style.
Damn It! You saw through my thinly veiled efforts to smear SCARS practionitors. Damn you LLL!