Saga of the Qanon Shaman, Act III - Short Bus to Prison

That would be a huge amount of jury trials, man. The prosecutors are under pressure due that, I guarantee.

I’m not sure if Os is talking about January 6th or The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Edit: shit, someone above already made that observation.

LOL, pressure?

Simple solution

Ship them all off to Gitmo, let them pace their chain link pens between waterboarding sessions then re-release them, fully deradicalised into their community after a decade or so.

Because that totally worked the last time

You have no idea what I’m talking about, apparently.

These are not foreigners, dude, will never happen.

As if I need to.

You, on the other hand, need to stand up and pay more fucking attention.

Bundy. Jesus Christ, man. How about Demagorgon?

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Oh, I’m paying attention. All the bullshit you are crapping your pants over I get to live with and see up close and in person.

You literally have no idea. I’ve tried to convey it in threads.

It’s not like you have a horde of white supremacist neighbors…

Oh, wait, nevermind.

Probably not so many of those, just the right wing nut bags. Plus a lot of good folks who are conservative but not wing nuts.

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I do. I lived in NEPA, we haven plenty of these guys there too.

NJ is not completely void of it either. All you need to know are the right FM stations to listen to, some of which claim Jersey is under socialist siege and Donald Trump, who owns the nicest golf course in the state, is the answer to all your problems.

This is the state that produced “Jersey Shore”. Never forget that.

Like John McCain, they are swiftly dying off, and worse, getting smeared by living RINOs like Trump and his cultists.

Calling BS on both of y’all. Y’all don’t know the patriots.

Just like the Founding Fathers intended.

This guy is going to be rich and famous when he comes out of the slammer.

More than enough people stupid enough to make him a hero.

Its happening with Kyle Rittenhouse already.


And the “cash me outside” twerpling girl.

I know this is going to sound lame, but I blame reality TV for this wave of ‘provincial idiot as culture role model’ nonsense.

There are so many numbskull high-effort no-competency celebrity idiots on social media it makes Nashville and Hollywood look like a Mensa convention in comparison.

Say what you want about the guy from Guns and Roses injecting cocaine into their genitals, at least they were very good at at least one other thing to justify their success.

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After I win this war I’M writing a book. Black Klansman 2: Electric Boogaloo


You could say the same for politicians