It’s scary, but I kind of do see the parallels. Both arts mysteriously flip their attackers with ease. Both have a bit of choreography. Practitioners of both arts always try to look their best, and strike very nice poses.
80% of akido is moves that only work on a compliant partner.
82% of pro wrestling is moves that only work on a compliant partner.
Akido has hakama: GAY!
Pro wrestling has bikini bottoms and spandex tights: GAY!
And it’s not “woo” anymore. It’s…HOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Hacksaw Jim Duggan pwns all MA!
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Vince, the ALL-FATHER is mad at you. Your renoucement of Viking Chun and continued obsession with pro-wrestling is about to lead to your permanant banishment from Vallhalla. Please repent.
Must be true. My Sensei was a pro wrestler and an Aikidoka. He had a compliant partner called Kendo Nagasaki - a wussy pussy if ever there was one.:XXmonkey:
Which incarnation of Kendo Nagasaki are you talking about, the Japanese guy who played the gimmick or the British one?
And I wish I could find that picture of O-Sensei doing the clothesline. (I think akido calls it Irimi Nage, not sure of spelling).
Peter Thornley was the original Kendo Nagasaki in the good old days in the 60’s when as a kid I watched the fun on the telly in the UK with Kent Walton as a commentator on Saturday afternoons. My Sensei was then a karateka who had yet to discover the deadly art of Aikido. He was sometimes Kendo Nagasaki’s tag team partner, calling himself Doctor Kamikaze or Professor Eddie Stratton.
He was impressed by Aikido after trying out his karate and wrestling attacks against Thamby Rajah of Malaysia, a former student of Shioda (Aikido) and Mifune (Judo).
The ‘clothesline’ in Aikido includes a snap strike with the inside of the elbow into the throat so is even more fun.
Oh boy, you Brits and your wacky language. Why can’t you just speak American like normal people?
I’ve often wondered how many professional wrestlers cross train in akido, it seems like it would be very beneficial. I have a video somewhere of Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi where they both trade akido wristlocks/throws for several minutes.
When I started Judo some of the pro wrestlers came to use the mats to prepare for the night’s show. The rehearsal of the long combinations of throws was always an element, to spice it up for the audience. However, there were some real grudges and I heard Kendo Nagasaki in particular was disliked for injuring other wrestlers - after all, this was their living.
As I say, my Sensei was a wrestler first and was more likely to have used some karate in his fights. (There’s an ancient vid on Youtube of him smashing tiles and ice with his head - ideal preparation for Aikido, I reckon.)
Has anyone else seen the old issue of Black Belt Magazine that has "Judo"Gene Lebell on the cover, in his wrassling trunks, choking out a guy in a judogi? I seem to remember it included an article where Gene bashed most judo schools at the time for producing “amatuers” and suggested training pro wrestling as an alternative. But that may be just twisted wish fufillment delusions on my part. (The article, I am dead sure about the cover picture and I would love to have that as my avatar)