Reported post in : Hey nagger, just listen.

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Thread : Hey nagger, just listen.

[post=1828156]Original Post[/post] by No BS Martial Arts - View Profile: Sarcastro@@AMEPARAM@@View Profile: Sarcastro</title>@@AMEPARAM@@Sarcastro :

Reason Given : He’s been over the line for a long time, but now it’s just too obvious. Trying to rally people against the worldwide usage of racial slurs on one website is ridiculous, especially when his call to stop being offended by it is really just a thinly veiled attempt to justify his own idiocy. In addition, it won’t change anything about his usage of offensive language, and his points about people being offended by one slur but NOT being offended by another are moot - greater evil does not make a lesser evil NOT evil anymore.