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Post: Rutger Hauer has passed away at age 75. All those moments will be lost in time…
Forum: General BS: Science, Skepticism, Stupidity
Assigned Moderators: JKDChick, PizDoff, Sam Browning, It is Fake, jnp, Rock Ape
Posted by: Spitfyre
Original Content:
Minor correction to the article. Roy is hunted but never terminated, he actually saves Deckard’s life and simply dies as his Nexus-6 four year safety lifespan expires, a shock ending because most people do not realize that since Roy was activated on January 8, 2019, he was only three years and 10 months old at the start of Blade Runner and his fight with Deckard in November 2019 and death meant he never made it to the full four years. He died two months early.
Fan sites typically theorize this was because he was a combat model with more wear and tear than the rest of the Nexus 6 gang. Another popular fan theory is that Roy actually was able to make himself die early, a sort of “self retirement” that isn’t logical, but certainly more than human. He spends the majority of the film tracking down Tyrell for longer life, only to be told it’s not possible, and from there his fight for survival becomes pointless, leading to the epic soliloquy.