Reported Post by submessenger

submessenger has reported a post.


FYI - Phrost and I talked about it, last night. I have released Rabbit from his cage. I don’t expect this to go well, but whatever.

Post: Rabbit Almighty, aka Ultimate Wrabbit Universe Bullshido 3000
Forum: Trollshido
Assigned Moderators: JKDChick, PizDoff, Sam Browning, WhiteShark, It is Fake, jnp, DerAuslander, Rock Ape, Tranquil Suit

Posted by: Herzkampf
Original Content:

[QUOTE=It is Fake;3040544]Man, that was fun. It’s been a long time since I played neg rep tag.


Rabbit said you are the only good Bullshido admin left, and that the others should have tried to be more like you, but 9/10 would have failed the test.

Rabbit is just one of those people with high standards. Morals, ethics, friends, even frenemies.[/quote]

Lol. I banned him and missed this post.

Shit, the guy who left him alone because he was getting his kids ready to graduate high school and get the fuck out of the house?


His standards must not be that high.