Reported Post by submessenger

submessenger has reported a post.


This is Rabbit. Can’t prove it, yet. Cool new trick he learned, only took him a decade to catch up with real cyber goons.

Post: What are you listening to?
Forum: General BS: Science, Skepticism, Stupidity
Assigned Moderators: JKDChick, PizDoff, Sam Browning, It is Fake, jnp, Rock Ape

Posted by: rasmus11
Original Content:

Listening “Blank SPACE”

We don’t currently have tech in place that would allow me to prove this one. Have socialized with Phrost a couple years ago about adding said features. At the time, it was a targeted thing, aimed at a specific persona (not Rabbit). Never went live with it.

This is different, because I’m not targeting a persona, but an MO. Which means I would be reaching into multiple people. Not out of my wheelhouse, but it’s a risky venture, and - in theory - Rabbit is smart enough to detect, especially if he logs in from work (he plays in the infosec space).

Risk is being labeled hackers or such. I am a hacker, but I’m not down with Bullshido being known as hacking people’s computers.

If this is him (and you probably already see that PDA called it out, too), his psychological footprint will out him. Lay and pray defense.

Ok. I guess we wait until he outs himself, or it turns out this is someone other than Rabbitt.

I don’t want to be hawkish on the guy, but I’ve laid down a policy decision, and I need to keep up with it. My burden, brother. Just keep me honest.

[QUOTE=submessenger;3043458]I don’t want to be hawkish on the guy, but I’ve laid down a policy decision, and I need to keep up with it. My burden, brother. Just keep me honest.[/QUOTE]
Grumble, grumble. What would have been good is if you hadn’t gotten annoyed with Lily and thrown down the gauntlet.

She’s pulls the, “. . . but I’m a lady!” card, but can also be annoying as fuck.

Update, I will be unbanning Rabbit in the not too distant future.

I gave him a choice between unbanning him late next week, or waiting until after he defends his dissertation in the interest of BS not being a distraction to him.

The upvote is for acknowledgement, not agreement. I truly enjoy interacting with him, mostly; I just can’t abide when he goes off half-cocked on stuff that I think might be dangerous or perceived as dangerous to the site or the membership. We do have to have a little bit of “police our own,” lest Rabbit turn us into that site that he hates most.

I will ban him again if necessary. He’s always going to repeat this pattern. It’s in his nature.

He started a separate FB chat group with Phrost and myself. He said he didn’t include you because he “didn’t want to bother you.”

He also promised to moderate himself in the future. Snicker.