real chinese boxing

for anyone who thinks kung fu isn’t about fighting because their little cousin is a light-black belt with purple stripe and yellow horseshoes at master Simon’s Temple Kung Fu and is a master of ‘kung-arobics’ they ought to not not see this


Not bad, not great. Just some guy doing take downs with locks/deadly stuff at the end of them. I did like the arm drag, kick out the other guy’s leg to an armbar thing, tho it seems that you’d end up with big black guy on top of you most of the time.

We have seen vids like these a million time.

Notice how they never throw the second punch.

It doesn’t prove Kung Fu skills, it actually fits the compliant partner stereotype.

I’m sorry but this proves nothing. You can’t expect people to see a demo and go “ah yes…he fell to ze ground in pain, it’z perfect!”. If that was the case…I’d be doing Aikido.

they never throw the second punch because he was taken down in the time it took to throw the first one dumbshit, why would you throw a second punch if you were already being taken down? you would end up looking like Randy Couture when he slipped and tried to throw a punch, remember what happend to him? thats right liddell knocked him the fuck out in that split second, if Couture didn’t try to throw that punch he may have been able to spin out of that fall and recover, but no instead he fucked up, just like you would. though that doesn’t really apply to this video, it illustrates the fact that things don’t always happen in slow motion, except maybe when you fight, and this is probably how you would end up.

there seems to be quite a few idiots on this board that have this slow motion approach to everything, its like they’ve lost sight of the elements of timing and using your intuition, and just rely on jabs, crosses, low kicks to the shin, arm bars and chokes, what does everyone think will occur when everyone and their grandmother is a ‘mixed martial artist’, it will die out and only people who have spirit and will mixed with ability to read and time their opponent will be left while everyone else sits around telling stories about their failed ‘MMA career’.

there are martial artists on this board, but martial arts seem to be obscured by ‘fighters’ who think they know what it is to possess true ability and hide behind some false idea that every technique except the most easily learned are somehow impossible to perform, even if shown video evidence they simply bring out some orwellian rhetoric and make it disappear.

just because techniques are not SEEN in a cage doesn’t mean they arn’t applicable, what it really means is that professional fighters get paid to fight, and if they fuck around with untested mma techniques they are bound to get hit by a basic punch, not because these techniques don’t work but because they require the spirit and will of the practitioner employing them, and in all honesty it seems mma fighters are more about ego than spirit. all the nervous energy in the human body being condensed into the brain in the form of ego, instead of using that stored tension to put into awareness and body.

i predict that within 5 years how people fight in mma will differ, fighters will train differently and will have a rejuvinated perspective on the importance of the mind instead of just punches and arm bars as the basis for fighting. when this time comes you will see true martial artists, not just athletes and scrappers, but people who have fucking ability.

ps. why is there very little parying in mma? what the fuck is the deal? if someone says their strikes are too fast they are fucking playing themselves.

Calm down, nobody said this clip is discrediting your art. What he is saying is that it dosn’t prove how effective it is in a fight and he’s right. It’s a demo. I’ve viewed the clip 5 times and without a doubt they attacker could of thrown that second puch. The second thing was the footwork of the attacker it was dead…if someone starts to grab be and try to take me down I wouldn’t exactly just stand there. I’m also pretty sure most other fighters on this forum wouldn’t just stand there either.

Who’s the dumbshit?

why would you throw a second punch if you were already being taken down?

Even your mom thought that sounded gay.

you would end up looking like Randy Couture when he slipped and tried to throw a punch, remember what happend to him? thats right liddell knocked him the fuck out in that split second, if Couture didn’t try to throw that punch he may have been able to spin out of that fall and recover, but no instead he fucked up, just like you would. though that doesn’t really apply to this video, it illustrates the fact that things don’t always happen in slow motion, except maybe when you fight, and this is probably how you would end up.

a. you’ve never been in a real fight
b. you must’ve missed the part where he slipped. Unless you’re talking about the second one and then you must’ve missed the part where he was off balance.

there seems to be quite a few idiots on this board that have this slow motion approach to everything

Yes, and you just joined that club

its like they’ve lost sight of the elements of timing and using your intuition, and just rely on jabs, crosses, low kicks to the shin, arm bars and chokes, what does everyone think will occur when everyone and their grandmother is a ‘mixed martial artist’, it will die out and only people who have spirit and will mixed with ability to read and time their opponent will be left while everyone else sits around telling stories about their failed ‘MMA career’.

That made about as much sense as…
actually that made no sense.

there are martial artists on this board, but martial arts seem to be obscured by ‘fighters’ who think they know what it is to possess true ability and hide behind some false idea that every technique except the most easily learned are somehow impossible to perform, even if shown video evidence they simply bring out some orwellian rhetoric and make it disappear.

blah blah blah what?

Orwhellian Rhetoric?

If you are going to try to sound verbose and articulate would you please use proper grammar.

PS I’m 28 years traditional kung-fu and I think you’re an idiot.

just because techniques are not SEEN in a cage doesn’t mean they arn’t applicable,


what it really means is that professional fighters get paid to fight, and if they fuck around with untested mma techniques they are bound to get hit by a basic punch, not because these techniques don’t work but because they require the spirit and will of the practitioner employing them,

bzzzzzz, wrong you are the weakest link.

and in all honesty it seems mma fighters are more about ego than spirit

Riiight, go tell that to some MMA fighters.

all the nervous energy in the human body being condensed into the brain in the form of ego, instead of using that stored tension to put into awareness and body.

Pot meet kettle.

i predict that within 5 years how people fight in mma will differ, fighters will train differently and will have a rejuvinated perspective on the importance of the mind instead of just punches and arm bars as the basis for fighting.

You play patty cake a lot don’t you?

when this time comes you will see true martial artists, not just athletes and scrappers, but people who have fucking ability.

It’s just a movie…

ps. why is there very little parying in mma?
Because you’re blind.

what the fuck is the deal? if someone says their strikes are too fast they are fucking playing themselves.

If you think your somebody special and you’re saying anything of consequence then you’re just playing yourself.

Your gay and you’re just angry because your boyfriend (father) got bored with you and won’t return your calls.

What are you going to do when a Kung-fu ‘master’ says you’re full of shit and all the other CMA guys here say you’re speaking out your ass? Where’s your arguement now?

no they wouldn’t just stand there, they would move in any of the infinite direction around the center of an invisible circle and the badass sifu seen in said video clip would be all over him, or maybe he would have tried the second punch, got crowded and beaten to shit in a harsher manner for his insolence in believing himself to be superior to captain badass sifu

At least we’ll all agree that you’re full of shit. It takes a big man to do so, I’ll let you live now.

Idiots like you make Canadians look bad and that’s saying a lot.

One more PS. Put your style in your field now or I’ll ban your ass, I’m in that kind of mood.

I finally understand. So everyone who fights badass sifu in video dosn’t do a second attack because they’ll be beaten even further for insolence. Yea sounds like a perfectly valid reason on why the attacker wouldn’t…keep attacking.

Oh wait they only do this in demo’s right…so what about real fights…or do they not do those?

YOu will be allowed to post when you put your style in your field.

Self pwnage?

… sorry, I’ll go back into lurking now.

I was going to pick both shitty troll posts apart. Omega did a much better job then I would.

I’ll say this you are an idiot.

MMA sucks but, I’ll use it to try and prove my point about 2nd punches.


Your fiirst post on this board made fun of Aikido. Now, you can’t take it when this clip doesn’t prove shit.


lol, you write too much to be a good troll. no trolling-efficiency.

You must not have read any of shinigami’s posts…

YOu are not allowed to post until we get a style in the style field.