Real Chi?

i thought this video was very cool, but i always was under the impression chi was’nt real? After i watched the mma fighter owning the fake aikido chi master or whatever art he was i thought chi was’nt real, But after this video im just plain confused… im not sure how this can help in a fight…but its still cool. :happy7:

It is real, but can’t help in a fight.

cool vid.

Um, guys? It’s called “the wind.”

i dont think wind can blow out 20 candles

Really? I’ve used the “wind” technique for well over 20 years.

Well, just once per year, on my birthday.

lol - I teach that trick*, basically a focused punch pushes “wind” into the candle and puts out the flame; you can actually do it from a good distance away, but a inch or so is easiest. Not chi, just a basic trick… I have 7 year olds in my kids class that can do it. :smiley:

*We do it for fun around the holidays not as a “real” thing. It is just a trick.

He could also be blowing it out with his mouth, i still think chi is real but its very misinterprited and taken over the top

You have yet to learn the secret of of the halon-palm technique.

You’re fucking killing me. Hey Filipino how about a video of someone punching you in the head?

I’ve never seen a thread with this many red varrots before.

have ever been to trollshido?

i dont think you can “blow” out 20 candles simultaneously, you’de have to be pretty good at blowing which i am not

My old Chun school had the putting out of a candle with a side punch as a requisite for Black Sash Grading. As LARPtastic as that was, it was nothing to do with Chi.

stop being gay plz.

No you’re right.

Dude, in 2005 “the wind” blew out fucking New Orleans…

stop posting bitches!
im going to ask phrost if i can be a mod so i can close this thread.
it sucks.
damn you filipinoninja for such a shitty thread!
I hate you now.

As has already been stated, the candles are blown out by the wind created by a focussed punch. If it was just ‘chi’ doing it, why is the punch needed at all?

This clip of another supposed chi-manipulator making use of the same basic idea may prove informative for those who haven’t seen it.

No, You pretty much blow on an epic scale,

as does most of your posting.

good video lujke.
I liked the boys hair, maybe ill have it that way aswell.


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