Pulling out of Afghanistan,

We need to just glass the place. Fuck.

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You really need to learn to play with your food.

That sounds like a job for a president, and not in a metaphorical sense. Cā€™mon, man, you know, the thing!

Welcome aboard.

Alexander the Great was a brutal dishonest tyrant.

He wasnā€™t the pretty boy that the movies made him out to be. He was a conniving mass murderer just like all the other conquerors.

The next time we occupy a country, maybe we should do it with drones and airspace instead of boots unless we want to go back to colonizing the barbarian nations.

This is not a rebuttle to anything you said. I just think we need to rethink boots on the ground. Revolutions have to come from within or they donā€™t come at all.

Well duh. Of course he was.

Empires are made and ran with blood. They may leave behind great infrastructure. But, they are usually forged with violence, and sustained through violence, or the threat of violence.

When those threats of violence cannot be backed up, they are overthrown, usually violently.

Humans are a violent species to other humans. It is our defining characteristic.

I most certainly did not. I donā€™t trust the mediaā€™s opinions.

The days of Murrow are dead and gone. All we seem to have now are an army of shoddy pretenders who no longer believe in fundamental principles of the American way of life.

Edit: This,

became a hundred different kinds of this.

Janine Pirro even does the same fucking voice as woman known as The Voice of the Juche Revolution.

In radio commentary they call that puking. No seriously, it has itā€™s own name. Like the voice of the guy at the strip club telling you how much you should really consider getting lap dances from a girl named Dallas. How in the fuck are we supposed to take any media environment seriously that gives top billing to people like this?

I can go down the list and maybe find 1 guy that I actually trust to tell the truth and even then I canā€™t trust him completely because then I still worry about his personal judgement. That guy is Anderson Cooper. I canā€™t help but like him even though I fundamentally disagree with him on a raft of issues. Everyone else on prime time news is a fucking liar, hiding an agenda. I like Anderson not because of his judgement, but because heā€™s the only guy that really seems to believe.

This is some good work. I donā€™t remember seeing this on the mainstream media.

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I have taken to watching the BBC for my news of Afghanistan.

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The US has been trying itā€™s hand at nation building for over a century, starting with the Banana Republic crap I South America with what is now the Dole fruit company.

I defy you to point out one, even one, instance where we have not made it worse for the local people and most often, ourselves from a political standpoint. New leave, the new government we propped up collapses and the ensuing power vacuum is bad for everyone.

Noriega and bin Laden were both trained by the US to resist our political enemies.

I know you are not disagreeing with me. Iā€™m just tired of our soldierā€™s lives and our tax dollars being used for these zero sum games. Also, some of my military buddies I know and/or served with are now dead because of our role in the Middle East. That shit still hurts.

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We helped liberate Germany and Europe from the Third Reich Naziā€™s.
Then we helped rebuild Europe, and West Germany.
West Germany flourished, economically.
East Germany struggled, economically, and regarding civil liberties.
There, that is one example.
Of course, you said that to Sam, not I.
Still, there is an example for you.

I was referring to examples where we came in as ā€œnation-buildersā€ to countries who were not our political or economic equal. France, England and Germany do not fit into that category.

Okay, I do not advocate imperialism, and I agree with jnp that the majority of countries we have tried to nation build in have ended up worse off.

Possible exceptions? Maybe Panama but to Columbiaā€™s detriment. (We stole part of their country to build a canal that now is the main feature of Panamaā€™s local economy)

South Korea is doing pretty well but thatā€™s because they ended up with a dictator named Park Chung -hee who was good at building a modern economy and got assassinated right when South Korea was ready to transition into a democracy. The USA canā€™t take any credit for that.

Joe sure did give 'em what for, huh?

Word on the street is, if you need someone to advocate some Imperialism, Sam Browning is the man to see.

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Yeah, I was just thinking about colonizing a place. Sounds dope, as the kids say.

What can I say, its all in the name. Somedays I wake up and want to take over India for the food and bollywood films, it must be my genetics!


This is about as lenient sentence as one could expect. Kudos to the judge for giving weight to the manā€™s stellar service history.

Next time you should invade my beloved Spain, or poor Venezuela instead.

Bribe everyone for years and spend all that money in places where it can make a difference.

Ok. Maybe Spain is a bit of an overkill, but Venezuela?

Good weather, a commie regime, sexy localsā€¦ petroleumā€¦ COCAINE!!!

You can even go jungle ramboing.

(please bear me with humor, had to puke thar out)


If we were to invade Spain I would try to reenlist.

Venezuela? No thank you.